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Optimism is a disposition to take a bright, hopeful view of things. It is also a tendency to look on the more favourable side of events or conditions, and to expect the most favourable outcome. For one to succeed in life, and make his gift his power, he needs to see the possibility in what he wishes to achieve. Samuel Johnson, an English writer and critic, and one of the most famous literary figures of the 18th Century, whose best known work is his 'Dictionary of the English Language', wrote: "The habit of looking on the bright side of every event is worth more than a thousand pounds a year."

I do not know why some people will never see anything good in life. Every situation, to them, is calamitous. They do not ever think that things will be better. Their whole ideas and discussions are always negative. They get involved in such, because they have failed to be optimistic. Such people fail when they venture into some business deal or new creative task. They simply say: "I don't think it will work." They lose hope about every opportunity, always embracing failure which, they, through their attitudes, invite.

This attitude of always assuming the worst can have major negative consequences on your life. If you see only the negative aspect of any situation, you are inviting problems to your life, because, you may develop chronic illnesses later on in life. That will make you miss opportunities, fail to take actions that would be necessary to improve your quality of life, and even neglect problems that need to be solved. If you are optimistic, you will always look for light at the end of the tunnel. You will always see the glass as 'half full', not 'half empty'. In fact, you will see yourself doing what you are always dreaming of, and, consequently, empowering yourself with the talent you possess.

Peace Of Mind

When your mind is at peace, then you can easily go to bed and sleep. Target peace of mind each day, so that your body can never be stressed up. Remember that when the mind is upset, ugly sickness finds a way of paving in. Resist that by having peace of mind. Stop over thinking. Over thinking is to analyse something too much, not thinking about anything else. It will affect your life in a negative way. As soon as you notice that you are over thinking, direct your attention elsewhere, to distract your mind. This is the period your hobby equally comes to play. Once you get involved in one of your favourite activities, the over thinking you were involved in will gradually disappear.

Exercises like jogging, cycling, tennis, can help during those moments.

Another way to have peace of mind is to ease your expectations. Learn to accept things as they come to you, not expecting them to be always exactly how you want them. One man was thinking he would win a particular award, but incidentally, his mate won it. Being an advocate of optimism, he just accepted it that way, without grudges.

What gives Mr. 'A' peace of mind may not be exactly what gives Mr. 'B' same thing. It is left to you to know what you enjoy doing. Get on with it and you will have peace of mind. According to Robert Alan, an American screen writer, director, and producer, "We can only help make our lives and our world more peaceful, when we, ourselves feel peace. Peace already exists within each of us, if we only allow ourselves to feel its comfort. Peace of mind begins when we stop thinking about how far we have to go, or how hard the road has been, and just let ourselves feel peace. Peace of mind gives us the strength to keep trying and keep working along the path that we KNOW is right for our lives." Peace!!!

A Little Smile A Day

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Smiling is the human's most powerful gesture, and it can never hurt! I know of a lady whose disposition is always in the smiling mood. And whenever she smiles, everyone around her smiles too or even laughs. The result is that people are automatically happy, and this brings joy. An optimistic person is often found smiling, no matter the circumstance. Your smile can brighten someone's day, because it is contagious, so to say. Smiling is a good start if you want more happiness and joy. It directly affects your brain, thus making your mindset shift easier. Relationships are definitely built on smiles, so, to retain a genuine relationship, do not let your face get dim. Smile to encourage trust and to build on your social health.

I wonder how some people feel okay, without a little smile. Smile acts as a catalyst in releasing low tension in tensed up situations. Since smiling puts you in a right position tone for the day, why not embrace it fully? It costs nothing. When you are overwhelmed with situations, the best resort is to put up a smile, to pursue the anxiety, frustration, and worries. If you get angry when you are

worried and frustrated, then it is like pouring fuel inside fire. This will be dangerous to your health, and can simply worsen the situation in which you find yourself.

Do you wonder why some people are more productive than others? A little secret, you may say - smile. The 'whistle while we work' mentality is working. As joy is brought into your heart when you are exercising a particular task, you will be moved to go further. For me, smiling makes me feel 'high', and that is when you will get the best from me. Studies have shown that those who smile earn more success, as they are easily approached with business ideas. Nobody would naturally love to do anything with someone who always frowns his face. Open up, and put a smile on that face and get what you want. As Dr T. P. Chia, a Singaporean former political prisoner, says, "A smiling face is a beautiful face. A smiling heart is a happy heart."

Smiling makes people more attractive. Imagine going to meet a lady and suddenly, she turns you off with a hiss! Imagine the embarrassment. On the other hand, a lady who beams with smiles will attract people with good intentions. Looking younger is equally one of the resultant effects of smiles, because the face is naturally lifted. As the body relaxes through smiling, most of the negative traits of life are likely to keep at bay.

Some people spend a lot of money seeking good health, and trying to boost their health. Some visit doctors regularly, buy supplements, go for fitness routines, and enrol in gym memberships, all in the name of making their health better. These, they do, without knowing that the easiest and cheapest ways to boost their health, their longevity, their mood, and even their success, is to smile. Complaints of high blood pressure have natural temporary approach to the reduction of such - a smile. This slows the heart and relaxes the body. Every problem cannot be controlled by drugs alone, some can be approached through the ways we carry ourselves. So, smile and kill pain. It is simply a natural pain killer.

Don't Live In The Past

You need to realise that you can change your past, by creating a new history. If you carry over any emotional pain into your new experiences and may be, relationships, you are likely to cause problems for yourself, without any conscious desire. You cannot change it physically, but you can change the way you perceive it. Any ugly experience you have had in the past should be taken up by you as a motivation to change your future. You may be thrown off a particular job, that is the time for you to even think of something that would have been better for you all these years. A particular business of yours might have been booming, only for it to flop suddenly, that is simply a signal for you to think of something else for your great heart. Stop lamenting on how much better things used to be, because you are a creative, innovative, adaptable human being, capable of making the choice to live better.

If, on the other hand, you have been having an immoral standard of living in the past, and you wish to move forward, leave the old stuff and any other thing that is related with your dim past completely, otherwise, you will always be tied to your past. It is never good to pour out spit and go back to lick it. A Dieu ne plaise! (God forbid!)

Definitely, you have to create new ideas and make new friends, as you break contact with all those who wanted to ruin your life in the past. As a matter of fact, the ones who wasted your life in the past would never wish you to succeed, so you just have to break contact with all of them, to pave way for a breath of fresh air into your life. The memory of an unhappy childhood or wretched family background should not be allowed to destroy your current chances of living a fulfilled life.

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Remove the past from your future, and create a positive future. Moving with the realisation that the past is already gone, and that the future is yet unwritten, will put you in a better mood to develop a forward-focused you. Whether it is the traumatic experience of losing someone dear to you, or being rejected in a close relationship, or thrown out of a job you cherish, or missing a very important appointment, your new policy should be: 'Forward, ever; backward, never'. Just as Terri Guillemets advises us: "Don't let the past steal your present." Terri Guillemets, is a quotation antholologist from Phoenix, Arizona, who has collected quotes since age thirteen. Her passion is sharing literary, inspirational, thought-provoking, and humorous quotations with a w o r l d w i d e a u d i e n c e v i a h e r w e b s i t e T h e Q u o t e G a r d e n a t, one of the most long-standing online quotation collections, and the first to offer a wide variety of special occasion topics.

Use Positive Affirmations

Being optimistic in life, demands positive affirmations. Affirmation is the act of expressing agreement with or commitment to something. I normally hear people say that there is power in the tongue. What you declare usually manifests in one way or the other. Here, we need to make positive affirmations pertaining our lives and what we want to achieve. This is evidence of optimism.
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In times of anxiety, self-esteem, healing, stress, and so on, you can make positive affirmations. These are ways you use to make the situations look lighter than they really are. Some instances of positive affirmations are: "I can control my attitude toward life"; "I create my circumstances"; "Anything is possible"; "I choose to live my positive side of life"; "I always have a choice"; "Yes! I can." Positive affirmations will definitely make you feel better about yourself and your life. Your way of negative thinking and unbelief in yourself will be changed through this practice. The type of life you have always wanted for yourself will be achieved.

Positive affirmations work, and they can be used to manifest your needs, and also to bring positive and permanent changes to your life. The use of these affirmations force you to keep focused on your inner goal. If, for instance, you affirm thus: "I shall pass my exams with 5 Distinctions and 3 credits," you have already declared it, and so, your thoughts and efforts will automatically channel you to attain the manifestation of that proclamation. One man affirmed that he would finish his house in the village within one year, no matter the distractions. With the spirit of commitment to his positive affirmation, the task has been accomplished. He is happily living there with his family members.

One of the most powerful life strategies is developing a positive mindset. This can make you achieve whatever you want. Professionals and business people can use these techniques to develop personal power, or gain a competitive edge. In fact, at a personal level, your life and your health will be transformed. Equally, your joy and passion for life will be renewed, because, you will wake up each morning with excitement, energy, and joy for the new day. With the power of positive affirmation, you can turn failure around into success, because this positive attitude is the fuel to your success - success in academics, success in business, success in your political career, success in all life's ventures. You can make your dreams come through.

Compliment Others

You need to think well of others, and move a step further to compliment them, if you desire to be reckoned with. An optimistic person finds it easy to do this. How do you feel when you receive compliments like: "You look good"; "you're great in music"; "Oh, I like your type of earrings"; "You really look sweet today"; "Your suit fits you"; "Your hair looks amazing"; You're such a good friend"; Your writing is impressive"; "I love your performance"; "You are a genius"; "You have a lovely house"? You feel great, right? Can you equally spread that love and give that feeling to others? You have to genuinely appreciate other people, through active interest in them. Mark Twain, author and humorist, one of America's best known writers, and lauded as the 'greatest

American humorist of his age', affirmed it thus: "I can live for two months on a good compliment." That is the power of compliments.

Compliments build trust. Someone around you may be so shy that no one ever notices him. Consequently, he buries his thoughts in his hearts, and never makes attempts to answer questions in the class or makes contributions during meetings. You may be the one to bring him out from the cocoon, through your sincere compliments such as: "You're really doing better"; and "I like the way you reason". After all, everyone has the desire to be acknowledged, and definitely, by building others, we are building ourselves. Someone may confidently walk to you and pay you a compliment thus: "You're great in noticing good things in people." What goes around, they say, comes around.

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Compliments bring more productivity. If someone notices you, there is the tendency for you to bring out the better part of you. So, this is a vital ingredient to achieve success - paying compliments. It is sad to note that, sometimes, some good things go unacknowledged. People are experts in pointing out what is wrong with something or someone, while taking for granted, what is right. A great compliment is about acknowledging the positives about another person.

For me, each time my husband compliments me on my dressing or general appearance, I feel I am in the seventh heaven of happiness. That uplifts my mood for the day. You know what it means for a lady to receive compliment on her dressing or general appearance. It sounds great really when I hear: "You're looking cute today"; "This cloth really fits you"; "I love your hairstyle". Equally, as a woman cooking food for the family, what compliment can be better than: "Oh! Your food is really delicious"? It is an indirect way of telling you to maintain the standard, and, most importantly, encouraging you to do more, while acknowledging your efforts. So, naturally, I will strive to be in the mood of receiving more compliments, because, that makes my day. Stop feeling that someone's head will 'swell up' because of your compliment; dish it out, and get personality improvement from people you come in contact with. Help improve others through your motivational compliments. Do not be a miser of good wishes, so that you will equally be wished well. "One good turn," they say, "deserves another."

Compliments should come from a place of genuine desire to make other people feel better. When you compliment others, you improve your relationships, it makes you happier, you build your self-esteem, you make new friends, you make someone else's day, and they make your own. Compliments can revolutionise how people feel about you, because, they will see you as someone cherishing other people. A powerful compliment is a gift you give to others. It is a way of expressing gratitude and goodwill in the world. Leo Buscaglia observes thus: "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." Buscaglia, also known as 'Dr. Love', was an American author, and motivational speaker. He has been called the 'granddaddy of motivational speakers' on television. He was a popular guest on television talk shows, as well as in the lecture circuit.

Better Coping Skills

Being optimistic earns you the ability to cope with situations that may seem too challenging to you. This, of course, will result to your better psychological and physical wellbeing. Positive coping strategies can help with increasing confidence, temporary stress relief, long term stress relief, tackling challenges, increasing motivation. Some of the coping strategies include: learning to forgive, turning to someone you trust, learning how to set goals, building your gratitude, relaxation, reducing your load, and overcoming negative patterns of thinking, through self-assessment.

Enumerate Your Blessings

Each time we sit down to recount what we have been blessed with; our hearts are filled with joy and happiness. This is one of the big deals in life if you want to enrol yourself in the list of successful people. You have succeeded in many areas, therefore, count those blessings, and you will start thinking of organising a powerful thanksgiving in you place of worship. A line in one of our popular songs says: "…when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost..." The next line proffers a solution thus: "count your many blessings, name them one by one." This line is followed by what your reaction would be: "And it will surprise you what that the Lord has done."

Counting your blessings is a secret to more joyful and generous giving and living. Minimise complaints, and constantly remind yourself of the numerous blessings you have, so that you will continue to stay positive. William Penn says: "the secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles." This philosopher, who was born in London, was an English real estate entrepreneur, early Quaker (member of a family of religious movements collectively known as the Religious Society of Friends), and the founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, the English North American colony. He was a man of profound religious convictions, who was imprisoned several times in the Tower of London, due to his faith, and his book, No Cross, No Crown (1669), written in prison, has become a Christian classic. He was the first great hero of American liberty.

Counting of blessings is an antidote to negative emotions, a neutraliser of envy, avarice, hostility, worry and irritation. How do you feel when you negate the feeling of not having a car, for instance, with the feeling that you can comfortably walk with your two legs? You have awesome blessings!

~ It Is Well ~

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1. You'll find the best disposition Which provides you with thinking

Filled with great admonition And prevents you from sinking.

2. Calming down and choosing a favourite From all prevailing conditions

For that, I'll have the appetite Not minding the other positions.

3. Your use of compliments Good deeds you advocate

You cannot lack supplements For which others salivate.

4. What crave for longevity Defeats impending hunger?

As it turns your agility And makes you younger.

5. Your display is quite mesmerising As you perform so magically

Because of the way you're exercising And making things move naturally.

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