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Disappointment is the defeat of one's hope, and it can come up at any time in our lives. This feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations or hope to manifest, is a source of

psychological stress, and can cause frustration and dejection in someone. The resultant effect may be depression. Disappointment, naturally, leaves us with unpleasant situations and bitter moments. It is a bitter pill to swallow, anyway. No one loves bitter pills the way people love chocolates, of course. No one would wish to be disappointed. It is an uninvited guest, so to say, but it comes, once in a while.

This phenomenon has ruined many individuals, families, career men & women, politicians, students, teachers, business men & women, suitors, wives, husbands, and so on. It is a very ugly word to meet, and a friend to none, but, it seeks friendship from all. There are disappointments and obstacles in everybody's life. No disappointment is unexpected - whether it is family life, career matters, academics, and so on. However, through disappointment, one can empower himself with the eventual discovery of what he would have positively done, earlier on, to achieve the desired success for his life.

'Oh là là!' That is the final expression, but initially, the expression was 'Ooohhh…!' That is the fact in life. Without disappointments, or 'lows' of life, you cannot have testimonies of 'highs' of life. Without story, there is no history. Disappointment can turn into blessing when one approaches it with the right attitude.

Don't Be Carried Away By Emotions

Disappointment is never fun, anyway, but we should not be carried away by our emotions. Whether you are dealing with a relationship that has not worked out, or you have missed out on a major opportunity to advance your career, it is never as bad as it seems, and there are many more ways out than you may think. Just bear in mind that you are living in a world of 'second chance', because, disappointment will definitely pave in, giving you room for second chance, and which you should tackle squarely.

You can deal with disappointment and come out stronger on the other side. After all, Helen Keller, (1880 - 1968), the blind and deaf woman who became a famous activist, and, who was for a time, the most famous handicapped person in the world, stated: "We would never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world." Keller founded and promoted the American Foundation for the Blind. During her lifetime, she was regarded as one of America's most inspirational figures.

Some Cases Of Disappointment

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Instances abound where people who were disappointed had to resort to self- destruction in forms of suicide, drug abuse, self-denial, and many other criminal tendencies. This redirection of thought does not, in any way, give room for positive thought which will unfold the person's blessings.

One lady had to drink poison because of being disappointed by a man who courted her for more than six years. She felt the rejection by that man was the end of her life. If she had accepted the fact that disappointment could come at any time, she would not have lived her life in such a way that, without that man, she would not survive. Did she know the better plan God had for her in terms of marriage? The fact that "if one door closes, another one opens," would have taught her a lesson. She ended up destroying her own life, because she felt disappointed. This, unfortunately, is a common practice, though they come in various forms.

The case of a man who went and hanged himself because he complained of seeking job for more than seven years without any headway, is still a bitter news. The man was not, in any way, handicapped; only that he was looking for a government job. As a matter of fact, he was very good in carpentry work, but he damned that, and put all his hope on the government work he was seeking. After the interview, he still had great hope of securing an appointment in that office. They kept on promising him that he would get the job, but, at the eleventh hour, he was informed that another man had been offered the job. A disappointment, anyway, but that was not supposed to terminate his life.

Dealing With Disappointments

One immediate thing you need to do as soon as you feel disappointed is to readjust your mindset. It is not a must that your wish will be carried out. One big factor that leads to disappointment is lack of patience. People are impatient; consequently, they feel let down at every opportunity. We need to fight this by adjusting our expectations. 'Rome was not built in a day,' is a popular saying, which is applicable here. How can you wish to be at the top when many others were there before you? So, people really need to adjust their expectations, in order not to feel disappointed.

Try not to be upset, to avoid health challenge. Take it that things can always be otherwise, and, in every bad situation, there are worse situations. I attended one funeral ceremony where a family lost one of the children. While consoling them, we felt pains for them. But surprisingly, the father of the child said: "We thank God, because, it would have been worse." I was surprised at that utterance for the loss of a child. As if the man read my mind, he went further to explain that it would have been worse if he had lost more than one child. So, the lesson here is that every bad condition would have been worse, but for the grace of God. So, we must learn to accept that we are better off.

For you to deal squarely with disappointments, you need to strain yourself to see silver lining. Rather than think that there is absolutely nothing positive in the situation, which is rarely the case, you need to find the good in the circumstance, to help you think positively. For instance, if you broke up with a person whom you thought was the love of your life, think deeply again to know if you were really so perfect for each other. If you lost your job, or did not get a particular job, ask yourself if it was really the best fit for you. Henry David Thoreau stated: "If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment." Thoreau was an American author, naturalist, transcendentalist, tax resister, development critic, philosopher, and abolitionist. His philosophy of non-violent resistance influenced the political thoughts and actions of such later figures as Leo Tolstoy, Mohandas K. Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

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You can fight disappointment by being grateful for areas you have achieved. You will just find out that you do not need to feel marginalised, after all. When you lose a particular opportunity, you should consider your nice home, your intelligent children, your supportive parents, your good health, your promising career. When you stop thinking about the particular thing that went wrong, and start thinking about all the things that are going right in your life, then you will 'defeat disappointment'. Sure.

I quite agree with Conan O'Brien, an American television host, comedian, writer, producer, and voice actor, who stated: "the beauty is that, through disappointment, you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality." When you encounter disappointment in life, do not rush into any action. Take some time to heal, so that you will let your feelings out, and acknowledge what has happened to you, to strategise on the way forward. A little bit of exercise, some music, some artistic expressions, can put you on the right track of recovery. You can start creating something beautiful.

As you take your time to reflect on what you can learn from your situation, do not ever blame yourself on the state of your affairs. You may, during the period of reflection, find out that your expectation was unrealistic, after all. Maybe, you do not have the exact qualification for that job you are seeking, or that you do not have enough money to buy that particular house you had all along hoped to own. Your time of reflection will give you the opportunity to think of what you can do better, in the future. We need to be encouraged by Thomas S. Monson, an American religious leader and author in his quote: "the principle of living greatly include the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and trial with humility." This is a realistic approach to life challenges.

Disappointment Turned Into Blessing

At this point, we need to know that, sometimes, disappointment turns out to be blessing. When, on 22nd October 2005, Bellview Airlines Flight 210, a Boeing 737-200 aircraft, crashed at Lisa village, Ogun state, Nigeria, shortly after take-off from Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos en route to the Nigeria capital, Abuja, killing all 117 people on board, the whole country was thrown into serious mourning mood. However, before the plane took off from Lagos, one man was desperate to follow that particular plane, but, he felt disappointed not to have gotten the chance, because he could not meet up with the flight departure time. He was still groaning at the airport for missing the flight, when, suddenly, the news filtered in, that the particular plane had crashed, with all the people on board dead! Can you still call this a disappointment for that man? No, of course. It has turned into a blessing for him. He had to go home to organise a special thanksgiving service in his church, to thank God for what he initially termed 'disappointment', but which metamorphosed into a blessing.

On another note, a girl was crying that she lost the love of her life, as the man left her to marry her own friend. But the law of nemesis usually catches up with such soul destroyers. It was a great disappointment to the girl, so, she reluctantly married another man. Today, that disappointment has turned into a blessing, because the husband is one of the forces to reckon with, in Nigeria today. Not only is he well-to-do, but he is such a caring and devoted husband. The man who initially met and disappointed her is now a mere drunkard and a nuisance to the society. The girl is ever grateful to God for that 'disappointment', now turned into blessing.

A student, for example, who fails an examination, needs to know that it is simply an opportunity for him to repeat, and concretise his knowledge. Sometimes, those who fail and repeat, come out with better stuff, as they are better exposed and equipped to face the challenges of the society. They become conscious of their actions, and consequently, perform greatly.

Sometimes, we feel that we are disappointed, when, in actual fact, our sweet blessings are hidden in shells coated with the bitter pills of disappointments. So, in every disappointment, lies something to thank God for. Difficulties come up so that one can appreciate the good things that one has. Disappointment is simply a delayed appointment. It will strengthen you, and will never destroy you.

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Our Attitude Towards Disappointment

Since the world is full of pain, disappointments, and troubles, it behoves us to make it a better place to live in. Bearing in mind that a path with no obstacles leads nowhere, we have the ultimate choice of converting our difficulties into opportunities. Our attitude towards disappointing situation will be the determining factor of our turning point. Knowing well that the world is a hard place, we should embrace the idea that disappointment is a message that leads us to our destination of appointment.

Joseph Addison, an English essayist, poet, playwright, and politician, encouraged us thus: "Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses, and disappointments, but let us have patience, and we soon shall see them in their proper figures." What an admonition! This is a real counsel to those who feel deeply disappointed. Let us not be set back by the spirit of disappointments, because, if the great men and women we hail today were carried away by initial failures in their endeavours then, nothing would have been recorded in their honour. After all, what do Albert Einstein and Oprah Winfrey have in common? - They both faced early setbacks, but went on to do great things.

Today, Oprah Gail Winfrey (born in 1954), an American media proprietor, talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist, is best known for her multi-award winning talk show 'The Oprah Winfrey Show', which was the highest rated program of its kind in history, and was nationally syndicated from 1986 to 2011. She is dubbed the 'Queen of all Media', and has been ranked the richest African-American of the 20th Century, the greatest black philanthropist in American history, the first black woman billionaire in world history, and the most influential black person of her generation. All these came after her travails of early childhood - poverty, sexual abuse at age nine, teenage pregnancy, unmarried teenage mother who was a housemaid, molestations, and feelings of betrayal by family members.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955), told his biographer, Carl Seelig: "My parents were worried because I started to talk comparatively late, and they consulted a doctor because of it." Earlier on, in the recollections of the family recorded by Einstein's younger sister, Maja, in 1924, "Albert appears as calm, dreamy, slow, but self-assured and determined child." Today, we all know the story of Albert Einstein as the physicist who generated the world's most famous equation (Mass-Energy Equivalence E = mc2).

Most times, success starts with disappointments. As Val Boyko, a leadership coach and career strategist working with individuals and organisations put it: "Life is a series of highs and lows. Be grateful for the highs. Be graceful in the lows. Enjoy life fully and find contentment in your Middle Ground." So, no one needs to take disappointment as the end of his life, rather, as a challenge, for such to turn to blessing.

~ Blessing In Disguise ~

1. In this our life of second chance There are many expectations

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Many things look fine at a first glance But we have to check the reflections.

2. In great shocks, treasures are hidden However, some are delayed

In some cases, one is ridden But they'll surely be displayed.

3. In our utter disappointment We fail to work productively

To get the desired appointment Which will come up surprisingly.

4. We have to remove the agitation Never allowing our lives to depreciate
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For us to get the compensation Which we'll definitely appreciate.

5. If we can just be thankful When certain problems arise We shall surely be graceful

As blessings come in disguise.

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