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It is always necessary to enlighten others. When we drive darkness, the resultant effect of illumination is witnessed, and this brings joy. It is by showing the light that our worth is brought to bear and the success of others is advocated. This equally leads to the full realisation of our being and the consequent self-empowerment. When I was appointed the Pioneer Principal of one of the Junior

Secondary Schools in FCT, Abuja, I felt that it was a calling for me to go and 'show the light'. For clarification sake, that was the second Government school I was called to establish. Inspired by the biblical injunction which says: "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven," I was led

to establish the school with the motto: 'Show The Light'.

My students were moved to appreciate that it was through their actions that the environment would be sanitised; their bright future would be guaranteed; and the nation would be exalted, as they were equally tutored that they were the salt of the nation. The regular recitation of the school motto by the students turned to be like an anthem, just as they equally sang the national and school anthems, so that no one would play ignorance of the motto of the school. I still feel proud of the staff and students who strived to live up to the motto of the school. Some of the students who have passed out from the school are testifying that they are really 'a light unto others' in their new places of abode and studies. This gives me joy and a sense of fulfilment.

This is a guiding principle, as I have lived to understand that, it is only in showing the light to others that we can also be established. Definitely, a tree cannot make a forest, which is why we must be led to showcase what we have, for others to imbibe, so that we can build a strong nation. If everyone should display what he or she is endowed with, without hoarding one's gifts, then the world would be a desirable place to live in.

A Little Recall

As a matter of recall, my very first posting as a principal of a secondary school in FCT gave me a deep insight into what was expected of 'the leaders of tomorrow.' Realising that the bedrock of any nation lies greatly on the education of the children, I came up with the motto for that first school as: 'Education for Excellence'. Since I had the opportune time to be the very first principal of the school, I had to take a deep breath before coming up with that motto. That 'excellence' remains the watchword of the school till today. It is a great testimony that the pioneer head boy of that school gained admission to study Medicine in one of the Nigerian prestigious universities.

Of greater joy is the fact that some other products of that school have joined him in that course, while many others, who have really strived for excellence, are in other higher institutions and offering various courses. It is a pride to see that your products are doing well. They have worked with positive focus, seeing light at the end of the tunnel. These are the proverbial 'leaders of tomorrow', according to the wordings of their school anthem. These future leaders need the light to see the right footpaths to achieve their life ambitions. Time might not always give them the desires of their heart but as long as they stand firm, they will go to far greater heights.

Need For Light

We need to show the light wherever we find ourselves, because, as Martin Luther King Jr., the most important voice of the American civil rights movement, said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate, cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." Martin Luther King Jr. worked for equal rights for all, and was famous for using non-violent resistance to overcome injustice. He also did all he could to make people realise that 'all men are created equal'.

There was a TV show sometime ago, where the blind people organised an event. Important dignitaries and government officials were invited, and the occasion was taking place in the night, so, everywhere was lit up. But something was wrong somewhere! The blind people were not seeing the beauty of the environment, the decorations made, and the things to be served. All of a sudden, as they were all about to eat, all the lights went off, and this lasted for about three minutes. All the invited guests started screaming, as they could not locate their food, the cutleries, their drinks, and other things provided for them.

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The lights were left off for a few minutes, before the hall was illuminated once again. It was then that people heaved a sigh of relief. The purpose of the action was then explained — for the invited guests to understand what the blind ones were going through in life, not just for a few minutes, but

throughout their life time, and consequently, to appreciate their own ability to see. This gives a perspective to how much we should appreciate the gift of our sight and work on spreading light to those in the dark.

The big question now is: 'are you showing light to others'?

Lead The Way

Selfishness is what mars us from showing the light. If you know the way, why don't you lead the others to victory? Cassandra Clare (born 1973), a notable American young adult fantasy novel writer, who earned numerous awards and prizes for her debut novel, The City of Bones, asserts thus: "whatever you are physically….male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy - all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside." True assertion indeed.

In your office, you can be a light unto others, when you assist them morally, financially, physically, and/or even emotionally. Your name will be written in gold, within their hearts. If you are in business, you may have a better strategy of 'doing it'. Why not show others the way? The people you assist today may be the ones to take care of your children tomorrow, according to H. Jackson Brown Jr, an

American author best known for his inspirational book, Life's Little Instruction Book, which was a New York Times bestseller (1991-1994). This is because the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

Let us always be encouraged by gigantic strides made by some individuals, who are devotedly contributing to the economic growth of the nation today. The story of Sir Emeka Offor comes to mind at this point. He is an entrepreneur par excellence, and a philanthropist to the core. He has expansive business experience and has built a vast business with interests in many sectors of the economy. He sets big goals and enjoys the challenge of achieving the extraordinary. He believes in hard work and dedication to duties, and equally admires such qualities in others. He is focused, diligent, and courageous in his pursuit for excellence. He has a passion to uplift people and make them independent and self-sufficient.

In order to constantly render assistance to the needy in the society, irrespective of tribe and religion, he started the Sir Emeka Offor Foundation, as a vehicle for his philanthropic activities. The

Foundation is committed to skills acquisition at the grassroots level; establishment of small and medium enterprises cooperative societies and small scale businesses; human and material capacity development. It has provided intervention programmes through Education Scholarship Scheme; Health Services Scheme; Youth Empowerment; Infrastructure Development Scheme; Widows Cooperative Scheme, and so on. Through all these services, the Foundation has been alleviating the suffering of the less privileged in the society, and has remained focused on giving support and hope to those in need. This is a realistic means of becoming powerful through one's gift. The lives touched will always appreciate such humanitarian ventures. Let us always be guided by the fact that it is left to one to make himself continuously relevant by maintaining one's own path of recognition in life.

Darkness Flees From Light

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Darkness entails negativity in all aspects. It involves absence or deficiency of light; wickedness or evil; obscurity; concealment; lack of knowledge or enlightenment; lack of sight; blindness. Therefore, it is not possible for darkness and light to go together. Amit Ray, an Indian author and spiritual master, stated that when the sun of compassion arises, darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere. This goes to explain that when you have light, you are shielded from the negative traits of darkness.

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A town or nation without education, for instance, is in darkness. A man that is displaying only wickedness to his fellow human beings is in darkness. A career person who is not thinking of advancing his career is in darkness. A community where people are perishing in ignorance is in darkness. So, darkness is a word that should not come close to light. He who brings light brings life, because, it is through light that one will be able to perceive life in its entirety.

We need to bring in light to drive away all those negative tendencies which are clothed within darkness. Imagine entering a room that is completely dark; you will be blind. But as soon as you switch on the bulb, or lighten the candle stick, you begin to see. Apart from our inner rooms, we also lighten the surroundings so that people with evil minds will be afraid of being caught, while trying to burst into the compound. It is true too that some night birds, like the owl, do not like light, so, they cannot come close to your lightened area. Where there is light, darkness must flee.

Lighten The World

You can lighten the world and make it a better place through your action of love, care, trust, loyalty, obedience, honesty, encouragement, and spirit of sportsmanship. The Nigerian election of 2015, for example, shall remain evergreen in the hearts of not only Nigerians, but also the hearts of the

international community. The true show of love for peace, demonstrated by most Nigerians, through their conduct during and after the elections, kept the entire world dumbfounded. Contrary to expectations that there would be serious post-election violence or even serious war after the presidential election, the spirit of peace filled the air.

The full demonstration of the spirit of sportsmanship by the then serving President, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, in conceding defeat to Muhammadu Buhari, melted the hot atmosphere hanging in the air. What a lesson Jonathan taught the entire world! What a way to show the light to others! Honestly, it was a clear demonstration of paving way for peace. Consequently, he has become a hero - a man of distinguished courage and ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

President Goodluck Jonathan exhibited an exalted moral and mental character of excellence, and became the first Nigerian presidential contestant that has called his rival to congratulate him. He ensured that he kept to his word, which has become one of the popular quotes, not only in Nigeria, but worldwide: "Neither my ambition, nor anybody's ambition, is worth the blood of any Nigerian." He has really shown the light to future presidential contestants, for them to clearly accept that, in any contest, a loser should accept the outcome, and support the winner. Indeed, he proved to the entire world that he is a true statesman - a person who is experienced in the art of government.

Professor Attahiru Jega, the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) during the period of 2015 Nigerian general elections, through his integrity, equally proved to be a man of honour. He showed great strength of character: focused, resilient, patient, wise, calm, cool, and calculated. Already his name is written in gold, in the history of this great country. Today, the whole world is hailing him for the courageous, intelligent, ingenious, and motivating way he carried out the election process in Nigeria. This great gentleman conducted the 2015 Nigerian general election which was adjudged by many, to be free, fair, and credible. This, he did, after conducting the 2011 general election, which was equally adjudged to be free and fair. In fact, Professor Jega has demonstrated a formidable election formula that the entire world would borrow and utilise in their various countries. As far as elections are concerned, the entire world would borrow a leaf from him, as he remains a competent resource person in that field.

Through strong team play which he carried out with his entire INEC staff, the spirit of loyalty, obedience, and trust, came to bear. The introduction of the wonderful smart card reader which gave authenticity to each voter, and transparency in the process, is a revolutionary innovation, which the present and the future generations in this country will ever cherish. Through the support of the devoted members of staff and the entire ingenious directors of the commission, he was able to come up with gargantuan ideas, which have proved fruitful in the election process.

What I see in INEC is a strong team work, and a sense of dedication to duty. It is worthy of note that, the directors, through their various departments, have shown the light to the nation, and generations yet unborn. The ingenuity of the ICT department, for instance, in ensuring that the card readers were valuable tools during the last election in the country, motivated the electorate to turn out in great numbers. Through that, much confidence was built in the voters, as each voter went through that accreditation process with no doubts of authentication. Bravo! That is a way of making the light to shine. Truly, they have shown the light and the citizens are proud of such genuine ventures.

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Apart from exhibiting a spirit of sportsmanship, you can still lighten the world through your action of loyalty. No man is an island. Human beings are bound to offer one form of assistance or the other to fellow human beings, for progress to be recorded. In the case of any administration, a good citizen shows the light to others through his sense of being firm in allegiance to the government. When you give your support, things will work out better. In the words of Tommy Lasorda, regarded by many as baseball's most popular Ambassador: "You give loyalty, you'll get it back. You give love, you'll get it back."

Try to encourage people. When you see that people are making efforts, encourage them, so that they can beef up efforts. Encouragement is a way of recognising the good others do, and, applauding their success. You should not just be a fault finder, but seek ways of applauding the right things in people, so that they will strive to do better. Always show gratitude to people when they are the ones who do something for you.

Always show love. If you love someone, you will not like to display dishonesty; rather, you will always be transparent in your dealings with others. Since love is the most important virtue, you can always succeed when you equip yourself with this tool. Through love, your show of care for others will be manifested, your obedience to the rule of law will be upheld, and your disposition in all facets of life will not be questionable. If you demonstrate your ability to show love, you will be surprised at how good things will keep on unfolding for you. Sow righteousness and reap the fruit of unfailing love. Make the world sweeter through your sweet love. By making the world a better place, the light in you will be beaming. You will be like the city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

Life Of Empowerment

By showing light to somebody, you can empower that person for life. You can think of a situation where somebody is always looking for a piece of fish to eat each day. Someone from somewhere may suddenly emerge to show that person the way to fish. He is definitely showing the light to that person and consequently, empowering him with the way to catch fish and eat on a daily basis. It will be quite an exciting experience for the person being empowered. The saying that we should not just give a fish to a hungry man, but that we should teach him how to fish, is really appreciated here.

Place yourself in a position to teach others how to control their circumstances and achieve their own goals in life. You can equip somebody with internet facilities to enable that person make his own research on how to better his lifestyle and career. You can equally buy books on relevant issues in life, and give someone as gifts. Through that means, the recipient will be able to wriggle out of his worrisome situation. You can decide to pick some children from your community, if you are kind and buoyant enough to do that, by showing them the light of life, through scholarships and continuous mentoring. At the end of the training, they are surely empowered.

Some people do not realise that when they are getting weak in service, it is the ones they empowered that will assist them in old age. You will be surprised at the kind of assistance they will be rendering to you because, as an Igbo proverb says: "It is the firewood you gather during the dry season that you will use during the rainy season when you can no longer get dry ones." Live a life of empowering people, because your own life will become more meaningful through that practice.

A Golden Fish Has No Hiding Place

We can witness the apt comparison of the power of good deeds in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. This is made more prominent through Portia's speech, when she puts words to her admiration of the candlelit beauty of an estate. She proclaims: "How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world."

A good deed can never be overlooked, just as a golden fish has no hiding place, because of its captivating nature. A goldfish is beautiful, peaceful, and mesmerising. In same way, a person with good deeds is always captivating, because of the light radiating in him. I remember one man, Corporal Solomon Dauda, a traffic warden in Abuja, who was conferred with a National Award in

2014 by President Goodluck Jonathan, because of his demonstration of great dexterity, glee, and content in the duty he was performing. Commuters were taking note of his unique way of controlling the traffic as he danced and exhibited some forms of gesticulations while efficiently directing traffic. His graceful gyrations were not only entertaining but demonstrating satisfaction with his job. He performed his duty with passion, evident pride and dignity. Little did he know that his manner of approach to his job would earn him a National Award! Surprisingly, he was rewarded with an award of 'Member of Order of the Niger' and a house.

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The National Honours Award, which is an annual event, (established by the National Honours Act of 1964), empowers the President by warrant to use the Nigerian Order of Dignity to honour deserving citizens who have contributed to the development and progress of the country in any field of human endeavour. It is conferred on men and women of proven integrity for their hard work, diligence, honesty and dedication to duty. Solomon Dauda, through his performances, has consequently shown the light, and his colleagues are thereafter motivated to work assiduously like he has done. Just do your good deeds. Whatever you are gifted with, make it your power, for others to benefit from you. Your gift remains your possession, but, it is left to you to make it a powerful instrument for use.

~ Let My Light Shine ~

1. For me to show the light I'll fight with all my might

Even if it means leaving my comfort zone I will shine, rather than in darkness groan.

2. Oh! I shall keep this candle To throw the light to everyone

I shall never hide it

But ensure the world becomes far brighter

3. Striving for that excellence Will demand all my patience In order for me to admire

My heart - long desire.

4. How awesome it will be For me to learn to be free As light shines on my face

I will receive His grace.

5. My light of life will shine And I will surely dine In such a glorious way

To keep the devil at bay.

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