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This is the ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses. It is the training of oneself and one's conduct, usually for personal improvement. This is a great virtue for the successful growthof someone, especially, in the area of one's empowerment with his talents. It is one thing to know what is right, and another thing to do it. This exercise of self- discipline plays a vital role in our lives. It promotes the level of your acceptability in the society.

Right-minded persons prefer to associate with self-disciplined people. Though it is the hard path of life, the truth needs to be told; no matter how bitter. One who desires self-discipline should be ready to act in opposition to his natural desires and inclinations. Self-denial is his way of life; because, he will surely find himself not doing what he would ordinarily like to do, due to prudence or conscience. However, this is a rewarding virtue.

Some Instances Of Self-discipline

There are various ways we can exercise self-discipline. Some concrete instances are mentioned below:

· Refraining from lies -Wow! Some people cannot survive without telling lies. Everything about them is just fallacy. You are expected to stand on, and for, the truth, no matter the circumstance. It is said that the truth shall set us free. This is a very serious area of self-discipline.

· Bringing yourself down, for the interest of others, when it is natural for you to raise yourself up - Due to the proud nature of some persons, they hardly accept to humble themselves, to see the goodness in others.

· Accepting to do a work that is supposed to be done, even when you are not willing to do that- It is not always that you get exactly what you want. Some tasks are acting as challenging agents to you, so you need to be up.

· Refraining from nagging or grudges, even when situations seem unpleasant to you- Note, if you are known for this, you will constitute a nuisance to people staying with or around you.

· Refusing to accept bribe even when your pocket is dry- Some people, due to the hardship they experience, live a life of bribery and corruption. This is not a good resort.

· Waking up early in the morning to carry out your normal responsibilities in order to 'catch the train'- It is the discipline that will make you not luxuriate on bed, when you are supposed to be engaged in one useful activity or the other.

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· Refraining from eating too much or eating what has been prohibited for you to eat- Some people are gluttons. Table etiquette has no place in their lives, at all. It is you who will bring yourself to terms with just what your body requires.

· Refraining from drinking alcohol, even when you love it so much!- If someone else can survive without it, why can't you, especially when you have been warned by your doctor? Do not drink because others are drinking; caution your lifestyle to obey your needs, not your wants.

· Denying yourself sexual pleasures before marriage-There is time for everything, so do not be in a hurry to go into that, because of the consequences. You may be unlucky to contact some sexually transmitted diseases; you may be unlucky to be put in the family way (in case of girls); or to be forced to marry someone, when you are not yet ready for that (in case of boys). There are many negative results from this practice.

· Abstaining from extra-marital affairs, for those who are already married -Infidelity can cost you your life because of the extent some spouses can go to avenge such ugly trait. The picture of a man who claimed to be a man of God was once posted on the Facebook, with the woman he was caught committing adultery with (both naked). It was a very ugly situation and an unpleasant sight. As a teacher, for instance, you may be tempted into luring a female student to sexual immorality, but STOP! When you avert the seduction, you will see how happy you will be with yourself. If you do not respect your heart's inner warning, you will have a life of regrets. Nothing is hidden under the sun, you know.

· Refusing to follow other members of staff in running an organisation down, through lateness, truancy, squandering of funds, and so on- No matter how you feel about your place of work, you were placed there to build, never to destroy. Be a builder, not a destroyer.

· Refusing to follow other students to join cultist groups, even when you feel insecure in the school- Some students, out of eagerness to 'belong' to the 'powers of destruction', leave themselves to fall into the trap of these destiny destroyers.

· Pulling yourself out from the crowd to go and have your private study- This is a powerful decision, as you can as well, have many other interesting things happening around you, which you may gladly wish to do, like watching the TV or lying down on your bed.

· Not allowing yourself to watch pornographic films, pictures, or videos- Others may lure you into venturing to know what is obtainable there, but you are the one to discipline yourself in abstaining from such practice.

Commit To Self-discipline Now!

Committing to self-discipline requires that you have to avoid procrastination and distractions. Constant making of proposals, without carrying them out, is as nonsensical as not proposing them at all. If you pronounce that you wish to stop smoking, for example, get involved immediately, by refusing to send anybody to buy cigarettes for you. You can equally distance yourself from those selling such.

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The practice of declaring: "I'll stop it next week" or "I'll stop it when I get married," is not a good habit. Some will keep on postponing their studies until the exam period. Some will say that they will start putting to practice their inborn talents only when they grow up. These procrastinations will never help you unravel what is in you. If you really want to be guided by self-discipline, you have to be action-oriented. You must be forward-looking to achieving what you have in mind, so that you will be moved by such passion.

Committing to self-discipline is not an easy task; therefore, your persistence in maintaining your focus is required. Set yourself back on track as often as possible. Repetition and continuous practice are necessary ingredients for your self-discipline. A situation whereby you make your sporting activities regular, for instance, sets you in the right frame of mind.

Without a plan, you may not go far in any meaningful venture. So, for you to successfully commit to self-discipline, you have to clearly define the goals that you want to attain. This will serve as a guide to you reaching the top of the ladder. You have to be ready to accept responsibility, and note that you are the one controlling your direction in life. Build up a positive state of mind. This is a sure way to maintain self-discipline.

Perseverance Is Worthy

Perseverance simply means doing something continuously, despite difficulty, in the hope of achieving success. Sometimes, we wish to record some achievement, but there are hitches here and there. In the school system, for instance, a child may often find himself failing exams. Some persons may equally experience some setbacks in trying to achieve a particular goal. This is where perseverance comes into play. When you find yourself in a challenging situation, and you need to exhibit self-discipline, you have to imbibe the spirit of perseverance, in order to succeed. You have to maintain a purpose, in spite of difficulty.

For every worthy venture in life, especially in the unlocking of one's potential, perseverance is noteworthy. I buy the idea of Maya Angelou who stated: "You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it." Maya Angelou (1928 - 2014), was an African-American author, poet, playwright, director, stage and screen performer. Equally, Confucius, whose philosophy emphasised personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity, stated: "It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop."

I was at the stadium where some sports men and women were jogging in a mock race. Some started with much enthusiasm and rush, but they could not finish the race. Some started with others, though not in a hasty way, but, got tired in the course of the race. Some of them chose not to continue, but I noticed one man who persevered, and reached the finishing point. A prize was given to him afterwards. He was determined to reach there, so, he imbibed the spirit of perseverance, to be able to attain his goal of success. This gives an idea of perseverance and determination in this race of life.

Anyone who has experienced mountain climbing, for instance, will surely appreciate what it means to persevere. My personal experience in climbing Mount Sinai in Egypt, when I went on Christian Pilgrimage, was a true test of perseverance. My ability to reach the peak of the mountain, with some other pilgrims, gave me great joy and a sense of fulfilment. But this was not without some stops here and there, as a result of fatigue. However, the more I felt tired, the more I felt the need to 'finish the race', especially when I saw some of the pilgrims descending from the mountain top. It was a very tight decision for me, because of the pains I started experiencing, but I was determined! At last, I made it!!!

Perseverance makes you not to moan or cry when tough or negative situations crop up, as you will be able to absorb them and keep a positive attitude. This virtue needs to be instilled in children who are going to school, so that they will be encouraged and challenged when going through difficult times at school, or with their friends. It equally needs to be imbibed by those seeking appointments, so that they will realise that genuine positions cannot be gotten through crude or foul means.

There is no doubt that those who persevere make better managers. In world history today, all great men and women, inventors, popular athletes, successful business men and women, made it through perseverance. This virtue often determines the winners and also the losers. Those people who have made great marks would have had success elude them if they had not gone that 'one extra step'. Worthy of mention is Abraham Lincoln of the United States of America. He was faced with defeat most of his life. He lost eight elections, failed twice in business and suffered a nervous breakdown.

Lincoln recorded many failures and setbacks, starting from his birth into a very poor family, in 1809, in a one-room log cabin on Nolin Creek in Kentucky. In 1818, young Abe Lincoln, as he was also known, was kicked in the head by a horse, and, for a brief moment, was thought to be dead. That same year, his mother died of 'milk sickness'. He did not let this deter him but took courage to soar in various life pursuits. Lincoln's political career was filled with few 'highs' and many 'lows'. In 1832, he ran for state legislature, and lost. Though he ran for state legislature again in 1834 and won, he sought to become Speaker of the state legislature in 1838, but was defeated. In 1840, he sought to become elector (a member of the Electoral College in the U.S.), but was defeated. Once again, he lost, when he ran for Congress in 1843. After running for Congress again in 1846 and winning, he ran for re-election to Congress in 1848 and lost. Later on, in 1854, he ran for Senate of the United States, and lost. When he sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party's national convention in 1856, he got less than one hundred votes. Furthermore, he had to run for U.S. Senate again in 1858, but lost again!!! All these attempts and failures did not deter him from trying further. With the spirit of determination to succeed, he was finally elected President of the United States in 1860. What a journey! Lincoln was indeed a champion.

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Note that he did not quit. He continued pursuing his dream and eventually won the seat of the President of the United States of America (1861- 1865). Not only that, he went ahead to become one of the greatest presidents in the history of America.

Relatively in Nigeria is the story of President Muhammadu Buhari. As a General, he was Nigeria's Head of State from 31st December 1983 to 27th

August 1985. Within that time, along with his second-in-command, General Tunde Idiagbon, he started the famous anti-corruption and discipline campaign tagged 'War Against Indiscipline' (WAI). It helped to bring about a reorientation in the manners of Nigerians and brought a more positive image of the country in the international community. General Buhari was ousted from office by General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida. After experiments that failed, democracy returned to Nigeria in 1999.

Buhari felt that he still had some greater plans for the nation that he could put to effect in the new democratic dispensation. He waited the first tenure to pass and then joined the Presidential race in 2003. This goal, he pursued, with full determination and vigour. He persevered. He lost the elections in 2003 to President Olusegun Obasanjo. In 2007, he lost to Umaru Yar'adua. In 2011, he lost the Presidential elections to Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. Despite all the setbacks, he did not give up, but rather, geared up, joining forces with many great men. He put aside every past disgrace and loss, contested against President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for the second time in 2015 and won, becoming the first opposition presidential candidate to defeat an incumbent in Nigeria. At last, he was able to make it to Aso Rock, becoming the fifth democratically elected President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. His demonstration of self-discipline is capped in his inaugural speech when he declared "I belong to everybody and I belong to nobody," meaning that he was ready to work with everyone, irrespective of tribe, religion, or political affiliation.

Setting One On The Right Track

Self-discipline, be it in children or in adults, when achieved, manifests in a number of rewarding ways. It helps one fulfil promises he makes to himself and to others. Without restraints, people are ready to be talking like parrots, promising to build castle in the air, for others. But with this attribute, one already has a check on himself, so that he will be properly guided.

In the case of children, a self–disciplined child in the classroom will achieve easier learning. It is through self-discipline that a child will ignore group pressure. No matter what the group is doing, the child will single himself out. He will complete his assignments. This is as a result of being set on the right track by self-discipline. Of course, teachers are at their best when children do their assignments. That is evidence that they are following the lesson. A self-disciplined child chooses productive, rather than destructive activities. You can never see such a child where others are fighting or bullying, but you will see him where activities like debates, drama, quiz, are going on.

Control of tempers by both children and adults is as a result of self- discipline. It is due to self-discipline that one does not act rashly and on impulse. One will think before he acts. He will look before he leaps. If we allow ourselves to be carried away by our temperaments, then, someone may be ready to burn a house! Restraint is the watchword. Due to restraint in the eating habit of some people, they have been able to maintain their desired shapes and healthy status. This virtue is good for the system to explore and execute its laid down rules and regulations.

Overcoming the habit of spending too much time on films and videos is through this special virtue. One will definitely be pushed to ask himself why he is wasting so much time on the TV set. You are moved to go to the gym for some sporting activities due to discipline that forms a new way of life. Ordinarily, you may decide to waste your time on useless talks with people who do not have vision in life.

Self-discipline imbibes the spirit of accomplishing set projects which pushes procrastination away. You would not want your efforts to be in vain, even after you may not feel so interested in that again. It makes you overcome laziness and procrastination. Nothing causes lack of production, like laziness. Self-discipline defeats this practice and sets you on the track again.

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Happy Moments

Self-discipline seems to be dreary at times but the end result is juicy. Remember the saying: "the harder the fight, the sweeter the victory." Self- discipline is an avenue for someone to have the ability to achieve that which he really needs, to succeed in life. It is taxing though, but nothing good comes easy. It does not just end with self-denial, neither does it earn instant gratification, but it comes with a very big reward at the end, and that is long- term contentment.

Guru Gobind Singh, a spiritual master, warrior, poet, and philosopher, observed thus: "Peace and happiness shall fill your mind deep within, if you act according to truth and self-discipline." Stop thinking that self-discipline is deprivation of pleasures and happiness. People with self-discipline are happier, because they avoid situations that may create problematic desires and conflict; consequently, they experience fewer negative emotions. We all need to imbibe the spirit of self-discipline in order to earn ourselves happy moments and success that we all crave for.

~ Up And Out ~

1. Getting up and trying to venture, Equipped with full perseverance

To move on with my desired adventure And make a worthwhile appearance.

2. To great deeds I will commit Gathering all the materials Ensuring that I'll all submit In making all the proposals.

3. It is a matter of conscience While handling every dealing

To showcase our real prudence And avoid all the bragging.

4. An experience that is bitter Should improve your civility You can't afford to be a quitter When equipped with agility.
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5. For you to be on track Remove every form of fallacy

Avoid every crack And create a fruitful legacy…

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