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Being close to our Creator is a fundamental need of every human being. We are all products of a Supreme Creator, and we cannot perform optimally without Him. This calls for our closeness to Him at all times. That is just the healing to our chaotic inner selves, which, in turn, leads to greater productivity and full unlocking of the gifts we are endowed with. If we acknowledge that we were created, then we need to think of our Creator, without whom we shall not be existing. Our closeness to Him is the determining factor for any breakthrough we wish to achieve in life. Without Him, all our supposed gifts and talents are meaningless, as we cannot be in a position to optimise the use of such gifts. There is absolutely nothing we can do on our own. God has the ultimate power. Since all power belongs to Him, our closeness to Him is sacrosanct, so that we can be empowered with the talents we have.

While we will talk about how our closeness to the Creator is tied to the Holy Books, we should note that there are more reasons than being 'religious' to creating a relationship with the all-knowing being. Imagine this: if you have a problem with anything, who best will know how to sort it out other than the person who made it? It is the same with the world. When we go through challenges, evils and others, who do you think can best sort us out? Yes, you are right: Our Creator. Note that depression sets in many times to make us wonder what this world is about. It takes only the grace of the heavens to give us peace. While this might seem outlandish, give it some thought and if you do it, continue. But let us explore more of this closeness to the Creator and why it is important.

Acknowledge God's Presence It is only a fool that says in his heart: "There is no God" (Psalm 14:1). If you are a reasonable person, you will always acknowledge God's presence in your daily life, and try not to be boastful or proud. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. With wisdom, we are highly empowered to make exploits in life.

The reason for us to acknowledge God's presence is that we need to understand that we can do nothing without Him. If we turn our faces to Him, and drop the pride in us, and seek Him, and give Him a chance, He will answer and take care of us and every detail of our lives. In fact, we should recognise the fact that God has never let anyone down. He is the Alpha and Omega.

To acknowledge God's presence, we need to begin each day with a prayer, because He keeps watch over us. Not only should we begin the day with prayer, we should also end the day with prayer. By so doing, we are acknowledging the fact that God is the owner of our lives. Prayer that acknowledges God's ever present power establishes the results of His power. God is there, continuously nurturing and caring for us. Let us always acknowledge His presence in our lives.

Make God Your Friend

If we want to be friends of God, we have to obey Him. The laws have already been outlined in the Holy Books. What we owe Him is our obedience to His Word. God listens, that is why we need to make Him our friend. A true friend always listens to his friend to know what is happening in his life. Our God is a prayer-answering God, so, He is our Best friend.

Making God our friend will avail us the opportunity of understanding that He enjoys spending time with us. He wants us to always come to Him, with whatever burden we may have. God loves us even when we make mistakes, so, why run away from your Creator? Definitely, a good friend is the one that will not despise you. The good train we need to enter is the friendship train of God. A reliable friend is the one who is always honest. God is honest, and He can never deceive us. We need to enter a good relationship with him, because He will never allow us to perish. Our lives will change for good. When we are discouraged, the only true source of encouragement is God. This is why we need to be friends with Him. He is an awesome God. God is never tired of helping us. He is always available. With Him in our hearts and mind, we make happy and sensible decisions, and surely, accomplish our daily tasks, with an elevated spirit. He makes a way where there seems to be no way. No friend can

be more reliable than God. He is the best.

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Prayer - The Key To Success

Prayer is the language through which we fellowship with our God. This is a very important ingredient for being close to God. When we pray, we are simply communicating with God. If we do not communicate with Him, how then do we approach Him to take care of our ventures and exploits? Power belongs to Him and He, alone, can give that power to whom He pleases. If you feel that you are the cause of your greatness or your achievements in life, you are misleading yourself. Without God, nothing is possible; therefore, we owe Him our consistent prayers, either to make our bad conditions to be good, or to make our good conditions to be better. Prayer to our Creator is the way to success.

Peace of mind is produced through prayer. As we pray, we should have faith, not fear, because, God answers the prayers of those who seek Him earnestly. Faith will make us unshakeable in our prayer lives. We should pray without ceasing, as we are always being admonished. There can never be an overdose of prayer. In the family circle, we need to adopt a prayer lifestyle for all the members of the family. In the offices, we need to pray before commencing any activity. In all endeavours, we need to pray first, because, it is the master key to our success in life.

Prayer to God is power-packed. When we pray, believing that we have already received what we are praying for, God answers us. He honours His word. God desires to direct us at every turn, and it is a developed prayer life that will make it easier for Him to guide us. Prayer remains the key word to a successful life.
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Constant Touch With The Holy Books For you to be close to God, you need to be reading your holy books — the Holy Bible, if you are a Christian; or the Glorious Qur'an, if you are a Muslim. It is through these Holy Books that you will get the inspiration about God's worth; it is here you will find information about His word and know the need for you to identify with Him always. The Holy Books awaken and strengthen our faith in God. They surpass all things on this earth.

Through the Holy Book, which is the Word of God, we get hope. We do not always know the path of deepest joy, but all scripture is inspired by God to take us there. Scripture is worth more than all the world can offer. God's Word is your weapon against temptation. We need to deposit it into our hearts, and even memorise it. The Word of God leads us to freedom, because we shall be energised to know the truth, which will set us free. We shall be free from sin, through the Word of God. The truth of God's word works freedom in many ways and brings joy in all of them. God's Word will bring you freedom from hurts, habits, and anxiety. We have been told that, if we continue in His Word, we will transform our thinking to His thinking, and this will bring the truth that will set us free from whatever bondage we are facing.

Our faith is awakened and strengthened through the Word of God. The word that awakens our faith works for our joy. The Word of God creates and sustains our lives. The life we get from bread is fragile and short. The life we get from the Word is firm and lasts forever. The power to overcome sin is through the Word of God. Let us get the word into our hearts. It will lead us to salvation and show us how to live God's way. Reading through God's Word is the same as providing water, soil, and sunlight to a new plant. That is what is needed for God's children to grow. Prosperity and success await us if we are in constant touch with God's Word. When we begin to see as God sees, we will do as God does, and this will lead to prosperity and success.

For us, as human beings, to function normally, our constant touch with the Holy Book will remind us of specific messages that relate to our personal efforts and life challenges. It will teach us new things, guide us when we need direction, and fill us with God's peace. The word of God gives us direction and clarity for our future. When we are confused on the way forward; what to do, and where to go to, we need to read something in the Word that will give the answers to the questions we are asking. Just as our bodies need a balanced diet, our souls require diet of Scripture. Our spirits cannot survive without the Word of God. We nourish our hungry souls when we devote a balanced and generous amount of time to feasting on the truths of Scripture. It revives every famished heart. Just as we do not forget our phones wherever we go to, let us not forget the Holy Books wherever we are.

Honesty, The Best Policy

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Closeness to our Creator will be established when we are honest in our thoughts, feelings, and activities, because, God is honest. His 'Yes' is 'Yes', and His 'No' is 'No'. God is pure, and He is purer than any person. So, the purer you are, the more God will touch your heart and fulfil your deepest thoughts. Being honest will definitely draw you closer to your Creator. This attitude will give you mental peace, because you will not live with guilt. This will earn you trust from associates. This characteristic of being trustworthy will distinguish you from others. Lies might ruin your life because of the way they will ruin your relationship with friends, neighbours, family members, colleagues in the office, and so on. There is the tendency for people to move away from you, as you lack the integrity of life.

When we are honest in all aspects of our life, including our marriage, our business, and other relationships, we live the same life wherever we are. This goes on to explain that honesty leads to simplicity, but, dishonesty leads to duplicity. This is because, anytime we are not truthful, we create an alternate reality. This forces us to live a life in both worlds: the true one and the one we

have created. With honesty, you will have reliable friends. Since people who are trustworthy and honest influence others positively, with this virtue, you will have the best of friends.

Some people do not know the amount of stress they cause themselves by being dishonest. They will always strive to live on the lies they fabricate. To free yourself from this stressful type of life, you have to be honest, to attract and earn less stress. Of course, when you pretend to be what you are not, you will be stressed up, due to the requirement of not implicating yourself. Honest people relax better, because they are just being themselves and less overwhelmed. Be free from lies.

Be Peaceful

God preaches peace. The two prominent religions in Nigeria, Christianity and Islam, preach peace. For us to be peaceful, we need to resist violence and fight. We have to make our homes, our offices, our educational institutions, our worship areas, our association's gatherings, and so on, peaceful. Being peaceful will enable the glory of God to always shine in us.

In addition to being peaceful, we must always forgive. To err is human, and to forgive, divine. We should have the habit of confessing our sins to our Creator, so that we shall have peace of mind. When our sins are not forgiven, then our prayers to Him are like an abomination unto him, because we are sinners. Let us always have peace in our minds and live in peace with everyone.

Count Yo blessings

The habit of counting our blessings will always draw us close to our Creator. It is awesome to note how we are blessed by God. The mere miracle of sleeping and waking up, sound and healthy, is supposed to be highly cherished by us. When we notice the rate of accidents on the way and we are being saved, that calls us to exalt God's name.

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We see ourselves passing our exams, while others are failing. We get up each day, and get food on our tables, when some others do not have any loaf of bread to share to family members. We seek the fruit of the womb, and God blesses us with twins, triplets, quadruplets, and so on. We fall sick; visit the hospital and recover, when others are dying. In fact, these tremendous acts of God should attract our closeness to Him, for our gifts to be our full power.

The Holy Books Emphasise This

The Holy Books emphasise that we should be close to our Creator. For instance, in the Holy Bible, the book of Ecclesiastes 12:1 says: "Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say I find no pleasure in them." Equally, in the Glorious Qur'an: "Those who have believed and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest (Q Surah ArRa'd 13:28).

What can we do without our Creator? Of course, nothing! This compels us to note that, in all our endeavours, our closeness to God is of utmost significance; otherwise, we register woeful failures.

It's Really Rewarding

Just as waters of a stream become purer and better as we approach the fountain head, so do our hearts get filled up with blessings from God when we draw closer to Him. Our closeness to our Creator puts us in our proper attitude towards the world. We shall develop positive approaches towards life, because we have been equipped with the power of knowing that our Creator is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He has unlimited knowledge and understanding of all things; He has unlimited authority and power; He is present everywhere, at the same time.

In the presence of God, there is fullness of joy. It is little wonder that some people may be physically poor, but, because of their closeness to the Creator, they find joy in their lives. Of course, nothing can buy joy, only God gives it. Nothing on earth can compare with the joy and pleasure of being in God's presence. Once you get the taste, nothing else can ever satisfy you.

God will always fight our battles, and we shall hold our peace. You can never go to the warfare without the sophisticated weapons to defend yourself. Your weapon is your closeness to your Creator. Your attachment to your Creator assures you of His loving kindness and tender mercies, because, He is rich in love and mercy. You will no longer live on the fear of torment by the devil or the world. Being oppressed will be a past story in your life, if you are close to God, because, He executes righteousness and judgement for all that are oppressed. When you are close to Him, He quietens the oppressor, so that he can no longer have power over you.

It pays to be close to God, as we are assured that He will redeem our lives from destruction. This is because He has the power to redeem our lives from the power of the grave and an eternal hell fire. Closeness to our God attracts power to us when we are about to faint on the way. This is because He renews our youth like the eagle. He gives strength to those who have no might. As we get more and more attached to God, He forgives us our iniquities, and this paves way for us to boldly approach the throne of grace in our time of need and ask for help.

Being close to our Creator takes us from a 'mess' to a 'miracle'. This is because He is the one with the ultimate power to change our situations in life. He will redirect our footpaths that will take us to our greater glory. To go away from God will deprive us of being healed of our disturbing diseases and worries. He is the problem solver. Even when we wish to start a project, and we are not equipped on the way forward, He is the one that will show us the way, by either sending someone to assist us, or even opening our own eyes to create new things for ourselves. The experience of our mouths being satisfied with good things is a reward from closeness to God. He becomes our provider if we truly identify with Him. He is the ultimate friend we have to maintain because He alone, is the owner of our lives.

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~ To A King Eternal ~

1. Oh my loving Father Who will never scatter All that He has created

To you I remain forever devoted.

2. You take delight in favour And give me life's true flavour

Your way is ever loving Keeping me from ever falling.

3. My mouth is full of praises In life's prevailing phases

His children, He will not deceive In Him alone, I believe.

4. Recognising I am but sand Will make me ever stand

To seek your dear righteousness And bring me close to consciousness.

5. I'll live to ever cherish How You made me to flourish

In all my circumstances And the entire chances.

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