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It is only when you have successfully unlocked your potential that you can be assured that you are at your destination point. You either walk into your story and own it, or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness"— an affirmation from Brene Brown, an American scholar, author, and public speaker. By the time you successfully empower yourself with your gift, you can proudly say you have reached your destination point.

This of course, translates to your being successful.

Working Towards Your Goal

Knowing fully that you have the need to reach your destination point requires your articulate way of attaining that goal. Jimmy Dean, a singer, television host, actor, and businessman, sincerely observed thus: "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." This means that you are the one to truly adjust your sails and work towards achieving your goal.

After identifying your talent and realising that it is your gift, you need to move ahead to unfold it through self-confidence and determination, and you will get yourself on top of the ladder. Lack of self-confidence is a trait that is eating deep into the travails of many people who have not been able to make it. The fear of failure is always coming first in such people's minds. Are you a student, a teacher, an administrator, an unemployed, a civil servant, a house wife, a business person? Put a trust in your ability and you will see yourself crossing to the other side of the bridge.

I am encouraged by the quote from Dr Seuss (1904-1991), a writer and cartoonist, which says: "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where to go..."17

You are the one who will decide to reach your destination point. Be courageous and daring as, surely, you are trying to venture into risky circumstances, but which will turn out to be for your good, at the end. Working towards your goal will definitely lead you to your desired destination.

The World Is Full Of Opportunities

We are made to understand that the world is full of opportunities. It is best for everyone to find out the most convenient way of tapping them. But, before we go into that, we need to drop our resentments, because, they take too much psychic space for us to be enabled to function properly. This will make our life much lighter. If we develop the ability to think positively, and remind ourselves that we have unique features that can be tapped to reach our destination point, then we are on the right track.

Your feelings are not mere facts, so you have to honour your feelings in order to uphold your calling. You equally need to plan, in order to attain your full potential, because a disorganised person can never get himself right to put things in order. So, things need to be straightened for them to be on course.

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Those who have made it in life, have their stories to tell, we must note. Because as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, an influential American poet, translator, and professor at Harvard University and who was considered the most popular American poet during his lifetime, asserted: "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night." We have to note that the greatness of such men today is their destination point.

The story of Aliko Dangote is one to be reckoned with. Aliko Dangote, Nigerian billionaire and richest black man in the world, (born in 1957) is the founder of Dangote Group. Alhaji Dangote has remained an enterprising man; an attribute noted from his childhood. Despite being born into a wealthy family, he never rested on his oars. He showed interest in business and pursued it faithfully. With his determination, passion and innovation in business across various fields, the entire world keeps hailing him for his ingenuity. He focused his business on the basic necessities of life - food, clothing, transportation and shelter. The Dangote Group activities include cement manufacturing, sugar manufacturing and refining, salt refining, flour & semolina milling, pasta manufacturing, noodles manufacturing, poly products manufacturing, port management & haulage, real estate, and Dangote Foundation. Their goods are practically in almost every home in Nigeria, due to the usefulness of the products. Today, his company is the biggest quoted company in West Africa.

The Dangote Group is equally into corporate social responsibility activities, through the Dangote Foundation. The Foundation provides humanitarian aid to victims of natural disasters, areas of education, health and empowerment. Many indigent students have been privileged to have access to education through the Scholarship opportunities offered by the Dangote Foundation. Dangote's humanitarian gestures know no bounds, as he extends his assistance to other countries outside the shores of Nigeria. His Group intervened during the West African Ebola crisis, the Nigerian flood crisis, the Nepal earthquakes, amongst other numerous interventions.

Regarded as the 'golden child' of Nigerian business circles, Aliko Dangote has offered business opportunities to many people through his various companies. The hue and cry of unemployment would have been too worrisome if not for his patriotism and philanthropy. He is a nonpartisan and detribalised businessman. He is generous to various political parties, religious groups and cultural institutions. Through him, many youths from different ethnic backgrounds have been gainfully employed in the area of product packaging, security, transportation, amongst others. He is a very humble and broad minded man. His wise decision of investing in productive sector demonstrates his level of patriotism. He is a great manager of resources and personnel, and practically demonstrates that one can succeed in business through honesty, determination, and strength of mind. With his level of touching positively on people's lives, he can be considered to have made optimal use of his gift.

Where is your own destination point? Do you even have a vision in life at all? Some people are merely existing, but not really living. Are you focusing on anything at all? What is that potential in you which has not yet been given attention by you? You are the one to unlock that, to pave way for you to reach your destination point in life, as the world is full of opportunities.

Realise Your Personality

Be advised that if you do not realise who you truly are, it will be difficult to honour yourself. Be practical about your personality, so that you can reach your destination point. Changing your life for the better is about picking a destination, and taking one step at a time to get there. Being serious about making improvements is a great start.

Some people do not see anything good each day they wake up, simply because they are 'blinded' from seeing the sweetness each day offers. Make a point of seeing good in everyday, and you will make your life better. Work with your mind and be friendly with it. You can decide to give yourself a little treat, by visiting an unusual spot, just to give your mind a little relaxation. This goes a long way to cleansing the bitterness that must have accumulated there for long. You will then have a lighter mind to think of useful ventures for yourself.

Always feel relaxed, to pave way for your thoughts and plans to come to fruition. Be at your best always, and value your worth so that you will be in a position to take appropriate decisions for yourself.

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A Square Peg In A Round Hole

This is simply putting a person who is unsuited, to the particular position he or she occupies. A peg, literally, is a pin of wood or other material driven or fitted into a platform. The efficacy of a peg is only when it is fixed in a compatible shape, thus, square peg should comfortably match with a square hole, while a round peg will conveniently match with a round hole. A square peg in a round hole is someone who does not fit in.

One of the greatest mistakes some government organisations and employers of labour make is the issue of inappropriate placement and posting of staff who are working for them. This is the main reason for low productivity, and it is detrimental to the growth of the economy. A situation whereby people who can satisfactorily deliver the needed services are relegated to the background, calls for genuine attention, if the government and such employers of labour want the potentials in such individuals to be harnessed.

It is what we feed into the computer that we shall get back. GIGO, which stands for 'Garbage in, Garbage out', is a computer science acronym that implies: 'bad input will result in bad output'. This expression, in the field of Computer Science or Information and Communications Technology, refers to the fact that, computers, since they operate by logical processes, will unquestioningly process unintended, even nonsensical, input data ('garbage in') and produce undesired, often nonsensical, output ('garbage out'). It is impossible to put wrong figures into the machine, and get the right answers. So also, you cannot place the wrong people and get the desired results. A person who is gifted in painting and art work, for instance, needs to be considered for employment in a museum and other related offices. This is to afford him the opportunity to utilise his natural endowment. In the same vein, a gifted person in accounting can comfortably be employed in the banking sector, where he will use his gift.

Placing value on human beings is what will unfold the potentials in such people. People need to be encouraged, in order for the country to get the best. The practice of putting square pegs in round holes should be stopped, so that the desired standards can be attained. One of the effects of such wrong placements is that the work is left to suffer, due to lack of expertise by the ones offered the jobs. Equally, those who are not getting the desired job satisfaction will not be devoted to the job, as they will strongly argue that they cannot fit into such jobs. Of course, you will not blame such people, because, satisfaction comes from the inner mind. You cannot just fake it. It is the fulfilment of the desires, expectations, needs, or demands of the mind. If such claims of non-job satisfaction are considered, and such people are placed appropriately, the sky will be their limit, as job satisfaction is a primary factor for high productivity.

However, as individuals, we should know our strengths and weaknesses. It is only when you know your capability that you can be in a position to fit into a particular job. Your worth is supposed to be of great importance to you, because, that is your power. If you are given an assignment that is above your physical capacity or intellectual power, be humble enough to confess, so that justice can be done to that assignment. If not, you are cheating the government or whoever your employer is. Employers of labour, too, should assign jobs to staff on the basis of merit, rather than on favouritism. The use of technocrats, whether they are related to you or not, is highly encouraged. This is to ensure high level of efficiency. Let us stop deceiving ourselves through wrong approaches. We need to face the reality and speak the truth, because, that is the only thing that can set us free.

Putting a round peg in a round hole is the ultimate. It is a great morale booster. The work will be carried out satisfactorily, because, it is the expert that is handling it. A doctor will conveniently work in the hospital; an engineer will conveniently work in the Works department, and so on and so forth. You cannot fit a square peg in a round hole. The result will just be a misfit. In terms of operational standards of some corporate organisations, the right calibre of people need to be placed there, otherwise, the choice may go contrary to the modus operandi of the organisation. Someone who does not fit in to corporate culture, and who is not a team player, is likely unable to attain corporate advancement. The saying: 'Look before you leap', is quite appropriate while we are making decisions, in order to avoid the consequences of putting a square peg in a round hole. This is a clear way to unlocking of one's potential, which in turn, leads one to his destination point.

Change Is Desirable In Life

Change — positive one — is always desirable in our lives. "Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change," asserts Jim Rohn, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. Both educators and parents need to assist the young ones become more purposeful and self-directed in this our rapidly changing world. They need to encourage these young ones to reach their correct destination points. It is easier to catch children, when they are young, for them to be able to develop the right attitudes for success in life.

There is the popular saying: "It isn't what I have, it's what I do with what I have that determines my performance." A child may possess a lot of property without really knowing what to do with any of them. He needs to develop the right frame of mind to handle anything bequeathed to him. The young adults, too, need to decide where they are going to and how to get there. They need to understand that attitude management is a life skill and key to employment success. Without attaining the height you wish for or aim at, you will be having a feeling that you have not fulfilled your purpose in life. Changing your attitude for the better, will definitely help you fulfil your purpose in life.

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Remain Focused

Remain focused on your destination point, and have a sense of direction, so that you will get the accurate key for the unlocking of your potential. If you are in the process of transiting towards your full potential, try to prioritise your vision by finding out what makes you happy, and what you can comfortably do. Eliminate the things that do not really have positive impact on you.

The need to commit to a limited number of priorities, instead of concentrating on all, will make you work harder. Of course, you need to create time, by restructuring your laid down schedule, because, life works with us when we learn how to work with it. When you explore possibilities, you are sure to get there. When you do not make attempts, your potential remains locked. Do not be discouraged, because, victory is sure. As you make attempts, and remain focused in attaining your set out goals, you will successfully reach your destination point of success.

Success - A Great Companion And Friend

Success, when achieved, proves to be a great companion and friend. No matter how old you are, what you do, where you live, your ultimate goal in life is to be successful. Being successful is a desirable venture. Success is a good friend. Having a good friend is very important for your happiness. A good friend is someone whose company you enjoy. A successful person will always enjoy success by his side all the time. He enjoys the company, so, to him, it is a great companion. It keeps you on track with people and events.

Your good friend will love you for who you are, so success does that too. It does not look at somebody's face before that person becomes successful. Most of the time, it is merited, either through hard work or God's divine plan. It does not make a choice. You just work for it and earn it. It does not discriminate at all. Anyone who can support you, no matter the situation, is a good friend. When you are successful, the support is already there, it is left to you to look for someone else to support, because you are already successful. Success is a great energy booster, a practical image maker, and a personality motivator. Why would anyone not wish to make it a great companion?

There are friends who are bad, so, those ones cannot be considered to be your real friends at all. A good friend always makes you smile. This is what success can do for you, if it is your friend and companion. Often, we see that successful people are happy people because of the great companionship they find in success. A good friend is kind to you and also respects you, unlike the bad friend, who is always seeking ways to pull you down, seeking ways to destroy you, and seeking ways to stop your progress. Success, on the other hand, gives you progress and kindness. You will always feel high in spirit when success is recorded by you. When you are successful, you will automatically be popular, and this is how your fame crops up. Your new social status becomes a great companion to you.

I totally agree with Michael Bassey Johnson, a poet, playwright, novelist, aphorist, satirist, caricaturist, and a Newspaper columnist, who stated thus: "People will walk in and walk out of your life, but the one whose footstep made a long lasting impression is the one you should never allow to walk out." You should not allow success to slip off your hands, because, it is a great companion. It is the one which has made a long lasting impression in you. It is your great friend.

Since being successful accords you inner harmony, and gives you mental satisfaction, it is a friend indeed. When you are at peace with your mind, what can be more important than that? That is when you will be able to make more exploits. A peaceful state of mind is the best disposition for everyone. You are in company of cool frame of mind. When you are able to unlock the potential in you, you are already at your destination point. Attaining a successful height in life, gives you a feeling of great achievement. Everyone's aim is to be successful, so, you have to aspire to reach that destination point, in order to experience a life of fulfilment.

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~ Your Destination ~

1. If only there is freedom To come out from this boredom

It will just take our wisdom To arrive at our stardom.

2. Through life's unending menace And jumping out from furnace

And rightly seeking solace Pushing ourselves to the palace.

3. The driving force to be gallant Will make you act like giant

And pave way for you to be buoyant And move on like a merchant.

4. It doesn't take the income To get the actual outcome

When you make it so gladsome It turns out to be awesome.

5. Sometimes there comes a delay But never go for decay

As there will be a display Which will surely come someday.

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