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We all have far more potential power and ability than we are currently using. However, some people do not realise that they have this powerful potential and consequently, do not bother themselves

about such. When you look inwards, you will see that there is something you need to do with yourself, to reach that enviable height designed for you. What are your thoughts about yourself? What expectations do you have of yourself? What do you want to attract in your personal and professional life? What do you want to be known for? These are some of the questions that will help you feel the need to unlock your potential and the need for you to be more than what you are presently.

Definitely, you require the ability to have high expectations of yourself (dreams), expectations that you would succeed at what might appear to be a lofty vision. However, you need to be encouraged by the words of Charles M. Schwab, a famous American steel magnate and businessman, known for his manipulative skills and risk taking habit. Schwab once said that none of us is born with a stop-value on his powers or with a set limit to his capacities. There is no limit possible to the expansion of each one of us. Realising that you are going somewhere greater than your present status is a great move into unlocking that potential in you.

Those Childhood Days

I remember how our childhood experiences moved some of us into working towards realising the stuff we are all made of. Amongst the children, you could visualise future actors/actresses, musicians, footballers, teachers, doctors, engineers, lawyers, comedians, and so on. Some of the children were found engulfed in acting some professional roles through drama or plays. Today, some of them are full-time professional actors and actresses. Some others were fond of singing and creating music (playing instruments). Today, too, most of them have become successful artistes. This is because those who were dedicated took their time to work on their abilities which have made them successful today.

Sadly, in those days, comedians were not given full recognition, so, some wasted their talents in comedy by not using that to grow. As a matter of fact, they were regarded as semi-fools. But, good enough, some of them realised they could use it to attain their full potential. So, what is the story today? They are the ones taking the stage, as no one feels that an occasion is complete without a comedian. They are offering health solutions to people who are fully stressed up, and this brings succour and relief to such people, as they are moved to smile, laugh, relax their bodies, and even being relieved of high blood pressure.

Still, on comedy, a comedian once shared this story at a function: "A man came back from church one day and was unusually high in spirit. He went straight to the wife and lifted her up. The wife, who incidentally did not go to church with him that day, felt the husband wanted to rekindle his love for her. So, out of excitement, she asked: 'Honey, what has come over you to lift me up like this?' The husband without missing a heartbeat answered her promptly: 'Our Pastor told us that when we go home, we should lift our problem to God. You're my problem'."

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Sure, every normal person would laugh at jokes. This is a therapy that is good for everyone. The comedians found out that the ability to make others laugh and forget their problems would be their selling points, and they developed that ability in a way to making a living from that! So, from childhood, one can work towards the future. This calls for commitment to the call one has.

Take Some Actions

If you are really interested in unlocking your full potentials, you need to take some actions, to pave way for that. Find out your strengths and weaknesses. You should know where you come in strong and where you need assistance, so that you will be able to stabilise your personal life and nurture your professional interactions. Ask yourself the reason for your existence. Definitely, God created you for a purpose. Find out if that purpose has been achieved. Have confidence in yourself and believe in the power of 'Yes, I can'. If you do not trust your ability, how can you move on?

Self-knowledge is very powerful. Identify more strengths that make your weaknesses irrelevant. You may be sociable, reliable, humorous, honest, or hardworking. You may have the technical know-how, computer skills, and acceptable personal traits. Working on the areas where you use to excel will put you on the right track. Ask yourself the things that make you happy and fulfilled. These may include: writing books, teaching other people, sporting activities, and the like. These activities will psychologically move you into acting on what your future has in store for you. Be the hero of your own story. Ensure that you are the one controlling your decisions. These decisions may be on your eating, drinking habit, leisure times, use of time, and your thoughts. You are the one who knows what is best for you, and what you can do. Only make sure that these decisions lead you to living a better life.

Open yourself to different possibilities. There are no absolutes, only options. Empty your mind and think on those possibilities, to know which one you can start embarking on. Identify one thing, small or large, that you really want to accomplish. Decide on a first step, and then do it, no matter what. You may decide to write a book, establish a restaurant, run a school, start a bakery, or so. Whatever your goal is, do whatever you can to get it, then, do everything in your power to keep from losing it. Never underestimate your ability to be a positive influence on someone else. You can be the hero of someone's story. Your special talent will fish you out from the crowd, you know.

Aspire to grow. Do not remain the same. To ensure this, you have to surround yourself with friends and people that are better than you in areas that you want to improve on. You will learn from them. We are happy when we are growing. Always move with the spirit of determination. It is worthy to note what Winston Churchill, a legendary orator, a prolific writer, an earnest artist, and a long-term British Statesman, who twice served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (from 1940 to 1945, and again from 1951 to 1955)4, said: "Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential."

Be positive. Your positive attitude to life will make you scale through. Naturally, life is full of challenges, but, when you exhibit positive attitude, you will earn success and happiness. It brings optimism into your life. Positive attitude brings constructive changes into your life, and makes you happier, brighter, and more successful. If you are easily distracted, have a rethink and remain focused. Once you are goal-oriented, you will find out that you will be moving with a sense of direction. Discipline yourself to know when it is time to work and when it is time to play. Outline what needs to be done, so that you will be properly guided. Distance yourself from those things that get you easily distracted. Always keep your vision and goals in mind.

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Peer pressure can make a child in the school system to make a negative decision concerning his lifestyle. In some cases, the victim is being controlled by the peer group. It becomes difficult for him to take responsibility for his action. Children are advised to be firm with the positive steps they have taken, to make their future bright. Do not be at the mercy of the people who influence you negatively. Once you take the decision not to smoke, for example, do not be convinced to try another stick of cigarette. If you have decided to use your time wisely for studies, do not bow to any pressure group inviting you for one trivial activity or the other. Your choice or decision is something you would have to live with for the rest of your life and as such you do not want to regret your actions in the future.
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Do not hold onto the past, but take the experience as a lesson. Use the past experiences to improve your life for the future. This is the simple truth. Just move ahead and make the future better. One of the ways to move ahead is being grateful which will assist you to a large extent. This practice will make you never to feel demoralised. When you show gratitude for the things that make you laugh or smile, you will be more zealous. When you realise that a lot of people out there have it worse off than you do, your spirit will be high.

You'll Be Adored

When you unlock the potential in you, you will be adored. There was a small boy schooling in one of the government schools in Onitsha. He could not do simple calculation, but, dancing was his own talent. The boy lived in the shanty side of Onitsha town with the poor parents who were petty traders. Today, he is a multi-millionaire as a result of the developed potential in him. He is being adored by his mates for his wonderful acrobatic displays which others — the mathematicians — cannot do. For the child who is endowed with the ability of calculation, he followed that course diligently, and eventually, became one of the movers and shakers of our economy today.

All the Nigerian footballers we adore today, for example, Obafemi Martins, Mikel Obi, Osaze Odemwingie, Shola Ameobi, Victor Moses, Emmanuel Emenike, Ahmed Musa, Joseph Yobo, Victor Moses, Sunday Mba, Vincent Enyeama, to mention but a few, reached the peak of this profession, because they did not allow their talents to be caged. When you ask some people the question: "What is your hobby?" Some of them will reply: "Listening to music." Wow! Music by whom? - By another person created by the same God who created them. This is how some great musicians are taking care of other people's passe-temps favoris (other people's hobbies) – They satisfy people who take delight in listening to music. These musicians were able to detect and unlock the potentials in them, and they are today being celebrated and adored.

Your Body Parts Play Great Role

All the parts of your body have various roles to play. Check them, one by one, and find out where your prowess lies. Some have made it through the use of ordinary mouth. One popular man in Abuja, Ahmed Isah who has chosen to call himself 'Ordinary Ahmed Isah', and who has the title of 'Ordinary President' of the 'ordinary people', said that his power lies in his mouth. Through a popular radio programme, Brekete family, anchored by him, he uses the mouth as his weapon to fight injustice, corruption, and other social ills in the country.

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He is a man I admire so much, because of his courage and selfless service. He has been found by many to be using his God-given talent in speech, to bring succour to the less privileged, give a voice to the voiceless, and motivate government officials to sit up in their jobs. What I see in him is in this quote by Brenda Francis, an Irish poet, story writer, novelist, and playwright: "If you have a talent, use it in every way possible. Don't hoard it. Don't dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke." The irony is that such people never get broke because they have already made it, and can only progress, rather than regress. Other parts of your body - your hands, your legs, your fingers, your teeth, your face, and so on, can move you into action. Locate the one that will perform the magic, and you are good to go.

Who Will Benefit?

You may begin to ask: who should be the beneficiary of the keys to unlocking one's potential? Funny puzzle, anyway. Everybody is a beneficiary. Everyone needs these keys because everyone has a future to protect and cherish. Children, parents, pupils, students, teachers, administrators, business men and women, the unemployed, physically challenged, girl-child, boy-child, Chief Executives, — all need the strategy to make the best use of what God has given them. When one's potential is unlocked, the significant positive change is glaring. Therefore, unlocking of one's potential is a sine qua non, for success in life.

One pertinent question you need to ask yourself is: "Am I, in any way, unique?" Then the next question is: "Is my potential caged?" You will go further to ask: "How do I open it?" If you are able to get to the point of realising what you can comfortably do, without much persuasion or stress, you are on course. That thing that interests you and makes you feel real good can take you to your El Dorado. In effect, everyone has the need for unlocking potentials. Come out from the cage and be free with the use of your natural gift.

~ I Earnestly Need It ~

1. In a bid to be a hero I have to flee from zero

Gathering all the necessary might To board life's required flight.

2. With all the available capacity And my enabling audacity

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I am equipped with the power To reach the enviable tower.

3. It is in my expectations That I make my affirmations

To have a pleasant life Devoid of any strife.

4. Seeking a way to succeed Demands hard work indeed

To unlock the potential Requires the credential.

5. Certain things I have sought From my innermost thought

And came out from the pressure To get the treasured leisure.

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