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The practice of any action that will lead us to our doom is a dangerous game. Many of such practices exist, and, unfortunately, people are often 'trapped' by such unpleasant circumstances. The consequence is that we lose focus on attaining that enviable height we are supposed to reach, to empower ourselves, and the chances of unlocking one's potential will be blocked. Such games are practised everywhere — in the school system, in the church/mosque, in offices, in the markets, and, even in the streets. These games are practices like use of drugs, cheating, lying, stealing, truancy, and so much more. People should not be involved in such practices, as they hinder their ability to fully unlock the potentials in them, through great use of their

natural endowments.

Students' Involvement

In the school set-up, students have tricks which deprive them of achieving their goals. Such tricks range from truancy, pilfering, lateness, bullying, absenteeism from lessons, cheating in exams, non-participation in sporting activities, non-involvement in club activities, falsehood, cultism, to drug addiction. All these vices, when curbed, will pave way for these children to obtain far better results, which will enable them unlock their potentials.

The use of hard drugs is one of the world's most contemporary vices. Hard drugs inflame the mind, sedate the heart, and make the body feel 'high.' Hard drug leaves its victim a wretch on one hand and a danger to others, on the other hand. It is these hard drugs that students in higher institutions or even secondary schools take, which make them act in violent ways. This is because meaningful things appear meaningless, after smoking the rubbish. Hard drugs destroy these young ones and make some of them to be mentally deranged later. Their behaviours within that particular period of taking the drugs are completely unacceptable, and it is an unfortunate situation.

Another vice is examination malpractice, which is very common amongst students who are desperate to excel, without corresponding input of labour and diligence. How can you reap where you did not sow? This calls for serious concern, to avoid producing fake graduates and half-baked graduates, who cannot defend their certificates.

The exposure to pornography is eating deep into the emotional life of students. This practice as a vice is becoming rampant in schools. Students are often caught with pornographic videos and pictures which are downloaded into their mobile phones — which, of course, are not supposed to be allowed in schools. Most parents are not aware of this. However, let it be stated fully that this practice kills the psyche of these tender hearts.

A survey of students who have passed out from their various institutions shows that students who really obeyed the school rules and regulations, and who were serious with their studies, are the ones that the society is using today. Many are now professionals in their various fields of endeavour. We have doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, architects, and so on. What about the others who were 'small gods' when they were students? Most of them ended up gnashing their teeth due to societal unacceptability. What is the implication of this experience for those who are still in the school? – This is your chance, either to make it or to get lost. The choice is yours.

Teaching Or Cheating The Students?

Teachers play a significant role in the lives of students. Consequently, any negative act by a teacher, through commission or omission, affects the future and subsequent unlocking of potentials in those students. Students are like sheep; therefore, they need shepherds who will conscientiously guide them, for them to be able to attain their full potentiality. The work of a teacher is to teach the students and never to cheat them. As a teacher, your influence affects the life of every student who is in your class. A good teacher is expected to be resourceful, patient, resilient, adaptable, dedicated, creative, passionate, caring, inspirational, empathetic, accountable, determined, compassionate, and, of course, organised. Cheating students, rather than teaching them, is a provocative practice, because, the measure you use to give to others will be the one that will be used to measure for you.

A good teacher loves to teach. Such a teacher will definitely have love and passion for teaching the children under his care. This attitude has everlasting effect on the students. Believe this - these children dread teachers who do not have passion for the profession. Anyone who went through the school process surely and quickly remembers the favourite teachers and the terrific ones. They know teachers who are effective and those who do not change their academic lives positively. An effective teacher is resourceful. He is always willing to think outside the box. He will always be thinking of how to be creative and adaptable to the students' situations, for them to be able to grasp and understand the lesson. A good understanding of the content of what to be taught is what makes a good teacher. The teacher understands the content and knows how to impart that knowledge to the students, for them to understand. As a matter of fact, he plans his lesson very well before going to handle the students. He can never go to the class, unprepared.

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A great teacher is the one who is dedicated to his calling. He always comes early to school. He never misses his lessons. He spends extra time, providing students with the best education. Sometimes, he uses part of his weekend to coach the students, especially when they are preparing for examinations. There is no doubt that a good teacher is caring and compassionate. He cares about the success of the children and will do everything positively possible for the students to come out in flying colours, never through cheating, anyway. He figures out the personalities and interests of each student. A real teacher motivates the students through challenges like class activities, assessments, quiz and/or giving them homework. Equally, he does a follow up, in terms of correcting. This is to ensure that students fully comprehend the lesson; he is not involved in a 'make-belief teaching.'

It is unfortunate, to find out that some teachers play on the intelligence of these young ones, by refusing to do the work they have been sent to do. These erring teachers indulge in cheating the students in various ways, such as: missing their lessons; leaving the notes to be copied by the students without their supervision; sleeping in the class, while the students are left to continue with their noise-making; and dressing in provocative ways, thereby distracting the students' attention. This crop of teachers who are cheating the students lack content of knowledge of their lessons before going to meet the students. Instead of teaching, they are cheating the students! How can a teacher go to the class, unprepared, and expect the students to be happy with him or her? There was this funny story of a teacher who went to the class and started sleeping. Unfortunately for him, the inspectors came in and met him sleeping. Thinking that he would play 'cleverness' when he saw the inspectors, he quickly stood up and pretended that he was doing a demonstrative type of teaching, and asked the students: "Class, what am I doing?" They all shouted: "You are sleeping, sir." The inspectors were not impressed! That led to the teacher's dismissal.

A bad teacher is always prone to cheating. Since he finds it difficult and unimportant to fully engage the students during normal lessons, he resorts to aiding and abetting exam malpractice. He freely gives out answers to students in the exam hall, so that they will pass his subject, especially in external examinations. Not only that, he arbitrarily awards marks to students in a test that never took place. You can imagine the damages he is causing to the brains of these children who are supposed to have their brains nourished with the correct stuff, in ways they can easily defend their answers. A teacher who is a cheat is associated with 'I don't care' attitude. He is not mindful of the outcome of the academic endeavours of his students. He is rather sarcastic, and easily disgraces them. Teachers, who are cheats, do not motivate their students through challenges of giving them homework and creativity practices. When they do try to give homework at all, these works will never be marked. I wonder how they want the students to know which answers are correct and which ones are not.

A promiscuous teacher can equally be regarded as a cheat. When a teacher goes into an amorous relationship with a student that is entrusted in his care, he is seriously cheating the student, the school administration, the parents, and the society in general. He fails to realise that the future of the child is in his hands. Of course, there is no way you can keep yam and goat together, because, definitely, the goat will go and eat up the yam. That type of person is not supposed to be in the teaching profession.

Classroom management is a big problem to an ineffective teacher. He cannot control the class effectively, as the students are seen making noise and even eating, while lessons are going on.

An irresponsible teacher lacks professionalism. This is because he is unable to uphold the etiquettes of the profession. How can a teacher be chewing gum in the classroom? How can a teacher dress in such a provocative manner to distract the attention of the students? How can he routinely be absent or late? When the classroom is in disarray, any one standing in front of the class at that time can never be said to be a good teacher. A good teacher always has control of the class and is always engaging the students, to maintain their attention.

However, there are teachers who are diligent and purposeful in their calling. Those who have displayed these positive attributes are enjoying the fruits of their labour, because they have been blessed with happy family lives, good health conditions, and higher appointments. They are the great builders. Their students, on graduation, bless them. The graduates equally reciprocate the teachers' kind gestures with worthy gifts when they are in influential positions. They are ever cherished.

For teachers who choose to be bad, they play a dangerous game with the future of students, our nation and future leaders who would be the ones to either look after them or bury them when their time comes.

Ready For Only Inspectors?

The administrators in the school system are regarded as models for the students under their leadership. Any bad trait from them affects the students' abilities to unlock the potentiality in them. Naturally, there are good and bad administrators. So, they are not exempted from this dangerous game people play.

A reliable administrator sees to the progress of the growing ones. He is always organised and prepared, knowing fully well that things can crop up anytime. He is always conscious of the fact that the future of these young ones lies in his hand, so, he always sits up. An administrator, who cannot comfortably answer questions about the school he is running, is not really answering to his call in a productive way.

Some administrators are only prepared when they hear that inspectors are visiting their schools. As a mark of routine, they come to school only when it pleases them, at the detriment of the children under their care. These are the heads who should be showing good examples to their staff and students. If the main source of water supply is soiled or dirty, where will people go to fetch water? Who do the children look unto, for moral assistance, social disposition, and academic excellence? It is the administrator. Unfortunately, some are very deceitful. They pretend that things are going on well in the school, when, in actual fact, many things are going wrong. It is very sad to find out that some administrators connive with external supervisors, to assist their students in writing external exams. They provide money, materials, and other juicy offers to make these supervisors succumb to their criminal tendencies. This game they play is dangerous and can backfire anytime, any day…

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I had a personal experience when I went to conduct WASC examination supervision in one secondary school outside Abuja. That was when I was a Vice Principal in charge of Administration. I walked into the school with the exam papers. All the teachers, including the principal, welcomed me. They gave me the impression that the students were 'ready' for the exam. I was not deceived, though, knowing the inclinations of some cheats in the system. All of a sudden, I started hearing whispers in the exam hall — the whispers of invigilators — the teachers from the school — revealing the answers to the students. I was furious. I shouted at them to stop the condemnable act. I had to call the attention of the school principal, thinking that he was disciplined enough to address the situation. To my greatest dismay, he, too, was part of the act! I pursued all of them from the hall. What a hell!

So, those deceitful administrators are never in a position to identify the children's talents easily, worse still they do not care. However, conscientious administrators, of course, see themselves climbing higher. Worthy of note are some school administrators who are now higher government officials. Some have served as ministers and some are still serving as ministers, ambassadors, high commissioners, and so on.

Inadequate Provision Of Infrastructure

A dangerous game played by the government is in the area of inadequate provision of infrastructure for schools. These basic infrastructures are the tools required for the unlocking of potentials in the children who are in those institutions. Some schools lack library facilities, ICT centres, potable water, access roads, science equipment, and so on. These are hindrances to attaining a successful academic programme.

Some schools lack teachers in specific subject areas. The areas some students are excelling lack the appropriate teachers to handle such subjects. How do you expect a student who has the potential of becoming a medical doctor to attain that height when he is not provided with teachers in relevant subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology? At the junior secondary school level, without a Basic Science teacher to handle the foundation level, how will the student cope when he enters the Senior Secondary School? Of course, it is not possible to fetch water with basket. A basin or bucket is needed. This is true.

The teachers need to be given the full incentives, to enable them discharge their duties. Without proper motivation, nothing meaningful can come up. Knowing fully well that teachers are the bedrock of the nation, calls for higher incentives for them. After all, if there are no teachers, there would be no President, Governors, Administrators, Politicians, and so on. Every success in the history of any nation is attributed to the teachers' efforts in educating the populace. This issue of training and retraining of teachers can never be regarded as waste, because the teachers are the ones holding the nation's economy, through the products we expect from them. Government should always give them a cause to smile.

The Parents' Responsibility Some parents have left the training of their children entirely in the hands of the teachers. We should not forget that the home is the first school/institution of the child. There is a popular saying I used to share with my students: "Some children come from homes; some come from houses; while others come from jungles." Which one is applicable to your family?

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A conducive environment in the home is the therapy for a child's positive growth. If a child does not have a sense of direction, he will never know what he wants in life. Remember that, if you do not know your destination point, you can never end your journey. It is wrong to entirely leave the training of your child in the hands of teachers. You need to create time for your children and be close to them. This affords you the opportunity of knowing their strengths and weaknesses, to be able to assist them in coping with the evolving social, psychological and physical problems they may encounter. This is very important in the life of your children.

Lack of proper upbringing can affect the youths when they grow up. When a child is properly trained, he will find it difficult to deviate, when he grows up, unlike the ones who have already been immorally brought up. This is reminiscent of the biblical injunction: train up a child in the way that he should go and when he grows, he will not depart from it. So, parents need to do a lot of homework in this regard.

Social Media - Constructive Or Destructive?

Social media refers to the means of interactions among people, in which they create and share ideas, exchange comments among themselves, in virtual communities and networks particularly the internet. Social networking has become a major part of society today. Many people wake up each day and check social media websites, like Twitter and Facebook, first thing in the morning, instead of reaching for a newspaper, after their morning devotion – for those who even do devotion still. It has become popular for millions of users around the world to exchange information.

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The essence of social media is a welcome development. Regardless of distance, through this means, we have the ability to maintain ties with our loved ones, reconnect with friends whom we have lost contact with; work with others,; make new friends; share our day to day life with loved ones; stay informed about the world; share updates, photos, videos, events, messages with our dear ones in real time during the course of any day, and so on. For those in business, they get attention from potential customers; advertise their goods through cheaper means; and equally, work with others, regardless of distance.

Unfortunately, abuse has come in, and is eating deep into the advantages of such services. This causes distraction and time wastage, because of the frequency in using the media. For instance, checking the Twitter feeds by a student rather than studying for exams, is a serious matter. Trying to reply to comments on Facebook in order to please the friends there equally wastes time that would have been used in doing more important tasks. One thing leads to another in the world of social media, and soon precious time is lost browsing, chatting, talking/sharing information, viewing pictures, and the like.

Some people hack other peoples' accounts and start posting things that the original account owner would have no idea about. Others log in with fake profiles, in order to post wrong information and/or probably commit character assassinations. Some log in there to only post obscene pictures, thereby exposing the genuine users to pornography. Many negative things are done there.

But on the same internet, people do research on developing themselves. They learn, update things and do so much more. So, it is up to the users of the media to make a constructive use of such. Opting for the productive aspect of the social media will enable one obtain the information for the necessary growth one desires.

Curbing The Vices

The government should be blamed for some of these negative behaviours exhibited by the youths. When government cannot provide the basic necessities of life, like potable water, electricity supply, good roads, accessible education, child-friendly learning environment, and so on, how will the youths be happy? The government, at every level, is expected to play its key role so that most of these vices will be drastically reduced. Lack of good governance is one of the factors that cause youth restiveness. We should always strive for quality governance in every administrative circle. It can be in the school, offices, state level, or federal level. We ought to remember that the youths who demonstrate usually do so against the injustices meted out to them by those in positions of power.

Good governance makes the youths develop confidence in their leaders. It helps when a government can provide for its citizens in aspects of amenities, job/wealth creation and political direction. Good governance will also stop the youths from demonstrating, after all, what would there be to demonstrate against? The good things being done? The saying that "a poor man is an angry man" is really often demonstrated. Poverty is simply one of the causes of youth restiveness. This calls for the government concern on seeing how poverty can be eradicated. If parents are able to provide what their children need, most of them will not be involved in political thuggery, armed robbery, prostitution, and so on.

Any government that is concerned about the welfare of her citizens is not distracted by side talks; rather, more developmental strategies are embraced, to satisfy the needs of the society; kudos to such governors, legislators, and chief executives. A survey in some states of the federation practically demonstrates where some state governments are fully committed to the development of the states. It is fun to testify here that I am always proud to travel down to my state because of the good network of roads there, the security of the lives and property, and the provision of some basic infrastructure, for the citizens.

Equally to be mentioned is the case of some state governments who are offering scholarships to the citizens, and even paying bursary awards to the ones in higher institutions. Such gestures need to be emulated, rather than being criticised. These are great ways of discouraging the children and the youths from vices. These actions will compel the citizens not to revolt against the government in power, seeing truly that their welfares are being taken into consideration. We should encourage such gestures, in order not to demoralise the good intentions of such governors.

Any society, whether big or small, that allows a good percentage of its youths to be misdirected, risks its future. The positive and meaningful developments across cultural settings are usually engineered, fostered and shaped by the generation of youths in that society. This is because the youths are the greatest assets that any community or state can be proud of. As a matter of fact, they are the greatest investments for society's sustainable development. Unfortunately, youth restiveness and social vices are on the increase, and, consequently, becoming a threat to the concerted efforts to win the battle. Due to the fact that this phenomenon of restiveness leads to breakdown of law and order, economic misfortune, and other resultant consequences, it is always better to prevent, than to cure. The causes of this unacceptable behaviour should be traced and tackled.

Non-recognition of the youths can move them to initiate negative actions, for them to be recognised. It is therefore necessary for these youths to be involved at every level, for their voices to be heard. They should be legally engaged, because, the idle mind is the devil's workshop. In the school system, for example, the introduction of School Based Management Committee (SBMC) is an avenue for the representatives of the students in the school (together with some philanthropists and education-friendly individuals) to be involved in the decision takings and makings in the school. If students are involved in decision making, the incidences of rioting amongst students will be drastically reduced.

In the area of exam malpractice, reading culture should be imbibed by the students. Useful books, magazines, and newspapers should be provided. The more you read, the more knowledgeable you will become. Retraining of teachers should be a regular practice, to avoid obsolete knowledge and ideas. Students should be constantly coached and groomed. Both parents and teachers should live up to their integrity. A well laid foundation leads the child to success.

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In effect, this dangerous game, practised by almost everyone, can be seriously curbed. We need to check where we are not getting it right, and carefully dot our 'i's and cross our 't's. An ideal society can surely be achieved, if each person does what is expected of him or her. These vices can be effectively curbed when the government, the parents, the teachers, the administrators, the students, and the entire society perform their statutory roles.

~ You Got It Wrong! ~

1. A game not worth the candle Is not worth to handle

You cannot just but rattle In what you regard as battle.

2. A leading way to jail Has signs that you will fail

You better set sail

For life's ventures that wouldn't ail...

3. If you wish to be royal You really need to be loyal

Your approach should be cordial and formal For things to be quite normal.

4. Making a choice for lust Will take you to the dust If you don't opt for rust

Neat game will be a must.

5. You have no one to blame If one can't see your name

But parting ways with shame Will take you to your fame

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