Broken-Leg Gong was indeed very tired and continued to sleep until dinner time. 

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Shou-wife has prepared him some porridge; but since one of his arms had an IV on while the other was injured, Shou-wife has to feed Broken-Leg Gong his meal one bite at a time.

Broken-Leg Gong as a sick person is quite demanding.



One moment, he thought the dish did not taste good and the next he would complain about being forbidden to eat meat.

Shou-wife could do nothing about it, he really cannot let him eat spicy and greasy food. 

So he went to the cafeteria downstairs and bought a bag of spicy food, unwrapped it and put it on the side for Broken-Leg Gong to smell.



Shou-wife asked Broken-Leg Gong to describe how he got hit by the grandma’s scooter.

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Broken-Leg Gong stammered, saying that he didn’t pay attention when he crossed the road at lunchtime.


Shou-wife felt puzzled, in the neighborhood where his office building is located, you don’t need to cross the street to eat and so there should be no electric scooter.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But he did not ask.



Ca cluta, Vtbe-klof qijmfv j obivlcu yfv cfza ab Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu‘r tbrqlaji yfv. 

Ktf obivlcu yfv kjr cjaegjiis j yla ibkfg rb Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu tjv ab fzafcv tlr jgw ab gfjmt vbkc jcv tbiv Vtbe-klof’r tjcv.

Ktlr kjr tbk atfs rifqa fnfgs cluta obg atf qjra atgff sfjgr atfs tjnf yffc abufatfg.

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It was because Shou-wife was prone to have nightmares, and always dreams of jumping off a cliff.

Broken-Leg Gong said this was a sign of insecurity, so he held his hands at sleep to make him feel safe and protected. 

And so they have kept this habit to this day.


The next morning, Shou-wife went to work as usual.

With his company being located far away, Broken-Leg Gong said it would be too tiring to go back and forth at lunchtime, so he should only come visit him after he finishes work. 

Shou-wife helped him brush his teeth and wash his face, and then went downstairs to buy a nice breakfast.

Before leaving for work he kept reminding him again:


“Remember to order takeout early at noon.”

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“Whenever you are not feeling well, you have to push the bell and call the nurse.” 

“You should take the medicine prescribed by the doctor on time.”

Broken-Leg Gong obediently nodded.


Shou-wife asked him once more, what he wanted to eat for dinner, he said he would buy it for him after work. 

Broken-Leg Gong said he wanted to eat meat loaf buns

Shou-wife smiled and agreed, he then turned around to leave only to be pulled back by the corner of his coat.

Broken-Leg Gong was looking at him expectantly with the eyes of a puppy.

“ What’s wrong?” Shou-wife asked. 

“ I want a kiss.”

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So Shou-wife leaned and gave him a kiss on the lips.


At work Shou-wife felt uneasy and worried, he hesitated a bit but then decided to take the afternoon off to go to the hospital. 

On his way there he took a detour to buy some meat loaf buns.

As Shou-wife approached the entrance of Broken-Leg Gong’s ward, he heard the sound of someone talking.

“Why were you so careless?”

“It’ s okay, it’s just a small injury.” 

Shou-wife froze in place, this voice was too familiar.

He quietly took a look inside; in front of the hospital bed sat a handsome man while holding Broken-Leg Gong’s hand.


The two were starring at each other, neither of them noticing Shou-wife standing at the doorway.

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