Shou-wife handed the meat loaf buns in his hand to the young girl at the nurse’s station and said, “The takeout for Ward 324 has arrived.” and then he just left. 

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He went downstairs, sat on the bench outside, and took his bread out to eat for lunch.

The bread was dry, and it was hard to swallow, Shou-wife felt sad and thought that he should have known not to leave the meat loaf buns to Broken-Leg Gong.



Broken-Leg Gong might have shared it with the white moonlight in front of his bed.

As they say, taking a bite after another, the two would grow old leading a life of joy and happiness. 

Shou-wife felt even more miserable afterwards.

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf bcf rlaalcu lc atf tbrqlaji gbbw pera cbk lr Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu‘r ktlaf wbbciluta, Vtbe-klof gfmbuclhfv tlw rlcmf atfs jii jaafcvfv atf rjwf mbiifuf.

Lf kjr pera j ogfrtwjc ja atf alwf, jcv ja atf Yqfclcu Jfgfwbcs tf ofii lc ibnf ja olgra rluta klat tlr rfclbg lc atf rjwf wjpbg, Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu, jcv ogbw atfc bc tlr ibcu gbjv bo rfmgfa ibnf yfujc.


That year he joined the student club Broken-Leg Gong was a member of, and whenever he had free time, he would go there just to have the opportunity to watch him from afar.

Broken-Leg Gong best friend at the time was Bai Yueguang.

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Bai Yueguang was an art student, and he and Broken-Leg Gong were known to be inseparable on campus.



Broken-Leg Gong and Bai Yueguang were both on the school’s basketball team and people could feel their natural chemistry on the court.

One time Shou-wife decided to secretly skip class to go see Broken-Leg Gong play ball.

Broken-Leg Gong was very athletic. When running on the court, his whole body would be glowing.
He looked just so good, it stole his breath away.

Shou-wife stood outside the field with stars shooting out of both eyes. 

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After the end of the game, Broken-Leg Gong happened to head in his direction; when he raised his head their eyes met. Broken-Leg Gong suddenly froze, smiling he swiftly turned back and shouted to his best friend who was trailing behind him.

“Bai Yueguang, hurry up and look, is this little brother?”

Having his male god looking at him, the thin skinned Shou-wife’s cheeks turned beet red .

Bai Yueguang came up and gave a soft push to Broken-Leg Gong saying: “Don’t tease other people’s junior.” 

The two of them then walked away laughing and joking.

Shou-wife stood still, his heart beating like crazy, this is the first time Broken-Leg Gong spoke to him.


To be exact, the words weren’t addressed to him.

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But he was still very happy. 


Later on, Broken-Leg Gong graduated, and Shou-wife could no longer meet him neither by chance or on purpose.

Shou-wife thought his crush would end there. He really never expected to have another encounter with him a few years later during his senior year internship.

He happened to enter the same company as Broken-Leg Gong, and also ended up placed in the same team. 

On the first day of work when Shou-wife was introducing himself in front of the whole group, he was so nervous that his tongue got tied up because Broken-Leg Gong kept staring at him.

Shou-wife found that even after not seeing him for so long, his feelings of longing did not diminish, and he would still be overwhelmed just by a look from the Broken-Leg Gong.


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