The swelling of Broken-Leg Gong’s leg went down very quickly, and after five days it was put in a cast. 

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He was then notified that he could be discharged from the hospital.

Broken-Leg Gong was sitting on the bed holding his injured leg while Shou-wife was packing his things.



Broken-Leg Gong said: “Baby, take your time, there is no hurry.”

Shou-wife hummed in a small voice with his head bowed down. 

Broken-Leg Gong felt that there was something strange about Shou-wife.


These days, he always averted his eyes, as if he did not want to look at him.

Broken-Leg Gong was startled and touched the scab that had just formed on his face.

Could it be that he was really disliked?



As Shou-wife was almost done packing, he went to the bedside and was about to pick up Broken-Leg Gong, when a voice came from the door.

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“Ah Qi. It’s really you!”


The two of them both looked towards the sound at the same time. 

At the door stood  a really good-looking male doctor.


Shou-wife was surprised: “I thought you were in internal medicine, how come you are here in orthopedics?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf vbmabg rwlifv jcv rjlv; “P pera rjk sbe lc atf ibyys, rb P obiibkfv sbe tfgf.” 

Ktf vbmabg mbcalcefv rjslcu: “Cgf sbe lc j teggs ab ub, lo cba atfc ifa’r tjnf j wfji abufatfg.”

Qlat j rafgc ojmf, Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu tfiv bc ab Vtbe-klof, jiwbra ojiilcu bc tlw.

“No, we’re in a hurry.”


Broken-Leg Gong had met this doctor once, It happened when Shou-wife had just started living with him.

At the time Shou-wife had a cold and Broken-Leg Gong took him to the hospital.


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It was the height of the flu season so the hospital was packed with people.

As soon as Shou-wife entered though, the doctor who had a mask on spotted him and shouted: 

“Ah Qi?”


Shou-wife did not recognize him so the doctor took off his mask and smiled as he helped him remember:

“Are you diligently eating your breakfast nowadays?” 

Shou-wife immediately had a look of surprise on his face.

He then introduced the man to Broken-Leg Gong, “This is my high school friend.”

The doctor smiled and said, “Just a classmate?”

Shou-wife was flabbergasted and added, “A very close classmate!” 


As Shou-wife was handed a prescription by the doctor, he asked him, “Didn’t you go abroad?”

The doctor answered: “I have recently returned after completing my PhD, and I have just been admitted to this hospital.”

Shou-wife was surprised, “What a coincidence!” 

The doctor agreed: “Indeed, in fact, there were several hospitals that wanted me at that time, but I hesitated for a long time before choosing this hospital. Now I think I made the right choice, otherwise I wouldn’t have met you.”

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He smiled at Shou-wife again with a very warm smile.


Broken-Leg Gong was quite displeased with the doctor. 

He looked like a gentleman, but he spoke in such a smooth manner, sounding really flirtatious.

He turned to Shou-wife and said, “Let’s stop chatting for now, there are still many people queuing up behind us waiting for their turn.”


Shou-wife agreed and stood up apologetically. He told the doctor that he had to go first, and immediately rushed out to get the medicine.


The doctor called out to him but he had already walked out so he tore up a post-it note, wrote down his phone number and gave it to Broken-Leg Gong.

“This is my contact information; please give it to Ah Qi”

Broken-Leg Gong glared at him: “What do you mean by Ah Choo? Are you sneezing?”

The doctor was confused, “Isn’t that his name? ….. Then how do you call him?” 

“I call him Baby.”

Broken-Leg Gong smartly replied.


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Later, on their way back, Broken-Leg Gong didn’t utter a single word as he Drove them home. 

Shou-wife noticed and said: “You don’t seem okay.”

Broken-Leg Gong cleared his throat and pretended to ask casually, “Were you close to that doctor in high school?”

Shou-wife nodded and said yes.


When Shou-wife was in high school, he lived in the school dorms.

Because his parents gave him very little money to live on each month, he often had to skip breakfast to save some cash.

One time he passed out in class due to low blood sugar.

At the time, the doctor who was sitting in the back seat of the class carried him to the infirmary and found out that he had skipped breakfast. 


“Every day after that, he would buy an extra portion for me at breakfast.” Shou-wife recalled.


Broken-Leg Gong asked, “So did you …… like him at that time?”

Shou-wife turned to look at Broken-Leg Gong and seriously replied, “No, I’ve only liked you since I was a kid.” 

The car stopped at the side of the road and Broken-Leg Gong pressed Shou-wife, who was still suffering from a cold, into the car seat and kissed him hard.

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