Broken-Leg Gong was sure of the doctor’s interest in Shou-wife. The man was bluntly obvious about it. 

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Shou-wife, that fool, was the only one who couldn’t see it.

On the way home, Broken-Leg Gong carefully threw the doctor’s phone number in the trash and did not mention it to Shou-wife.



So the doctor has not been able to get in touch with Shou-wife for three years.


Shou-wife helped Broken-Leg Gong downstairs while the doctor followed behind them.


The doctor looked excited to see Shou-wife again and sized the chance to ask him about why he hadn’t called him since that time they met at the hospital, three years ago.

Shou-wife said: “I didn’t have your contact information.”

The doctor was confused; he looked at Broken-Leg Gong but said nothing

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Shou-wife went to call for a taxi and asked the doctor to wait there for a while with Broken-Leg Gong.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The doctor asked Broken-Leg Gong, “How long have you been together?”


Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu rweuis gfqilfv, “Ktgff sfjgr.” 

Ktf vbmabg rwlifv ylaafgis, “Vb, sbe tjv pera ubaafc abufatfg atf ijra alwf kf wfa ……”

Ktf vbmabg rlutfv, “P uefrr P’w ralii j rafq abb ijaf.”


Ktf vbmabg abiv Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu atja tf tjv ilxfv Vtbe-klof rlcmf atfs kfgf lc tlut rmtbbi. 

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Vtbe-klof rja lc ogbca bo tlw ja atja alwf.

The doctor was very happy to see his back in class every day.

But he didn’t dare to pursue him, he was afraid that his parents would not approve.

He later gave up his dream of studying business and followed his parents’ wish to study medicine abroad so that he could have the courage to stand up for Shou-wife in the future. 


The doctor jokingly said to Broken-Leg Gong, “If only I had come back earlier, you might not have had a chance.”


Broken-Leg Gong retorted: “You are the one who never stood a chance. He has liked me since freshman year.”

Shou-wife who had just brought the taxi heard this and instantly turned pale. 

“How did you know?”


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Like a child who had made a mistake, Broken-Leg Gong looked at Shou-wife feeling guilty and dared not say a word.

He also didn’t say anything to stop Shou-wife from exchanging WeChat information with the doctor, and could only stare at him in frustration. 

When they got into the taxi, Broken-Leg Gong cautiously asked, “Are you angry, baby?”

Shou-wife pursed his lips.

Broken-Leg Gong reached out to caress Shou-wife’s hand and said: “I was wrong, I shouldn’t have peeked into your diary.”


In fact, he didn’t mean to take a look.

It happened when Shou-wife went on a business trip, and he was left alone to look after the house.

In the evening, Shou-wife called him and said that he had left a piece of material in the study and asked him to read it to him.

While he was through Shou-wife’s drawer, he happened to see the diary. 


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He knew it was wrong to peek into other people’s privacy, but he was curious, so after a long internal battle, he opened the diary and started reading.

It was written by Shou-wife in his freshman year.

[Today, I saw Senior Duan in the cafeteria again; he sat next to me and ordered four dishes and one soup.] 

[I had a shared class with the seniors today. The lecture was really difficult; I had a hard time keeping up. However, Senior Duan just slept on his desk, but he still looked very handsome as he slept ….]

[I went to watch Senior Duan play basketball today and he took one look at me and said I looked a lot like his best friend, I was so happy!]



After reading a few lines, Broken-Leg Gong closed the diary and did not read any further. 

He leaned back in his chair and covered his face with his hands.

Underneath his palms, his eyes were closed and the corners of his mouth were uncontrollably raised.

At that moment, he could hear the frantic beating of his own heart loudly coming out of his chest.

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