Ch23 - The doctor’s story (middle part)

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The Doctor asked the little doctor: “Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?” 

The little doctor’s eyes lit up and he immediately agreed, not even asking for the place they were going.

The Doctor frowned worriedly, thinking that this kid is too easy to fool.



This wouldn’t do. What would happen if someone were to deceive him at the hospital!

I’ll have to teach him properly. 

The little doctor stood and listened obediently to the Doctor’s lecture, then he tilted his little head up and said: “It’s okay, you are here.”


The Doctor: “All right.”


The little doctor volunteered to drive today.


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The Doctor agreed, and then saw the little doctor drive a fluorescent purple sports car out of the garage.

The Doctor was very surprised.

The little doctor looked a little embarrassed, and while buckling the seat belt for the Doctor, he explained that he bought it with a loan.


The Doctor sat in the passenger seat of the sports car that was bought on a loan, with a complicated mood. 

For a moment there, he had the illusion of being kept by someone.

It felt weird.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktf Gbmabg ygbeuta atf sbecu vbmabg ab tlr olgra ibnf’r tberf. 

Ktfgf kfgf wjcs uefrar, yea atf Gbmabg vlv cba xcbk jcs bo atfw.

Llr olgra ibnf’r qjgacfg kjr atf bcf ab ugffa atfw ja atf vbbg.

Cr rbbc jr atja wjc rjk ktb la kjr, tlr fzqgfrrlbc lwwfvljafis mtjcufv.

And when speaking, he intentionally or unintentionally showed off the ring on his ring finger. 

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The Doctor felt he was quite childish and didn’t care to take him up on his behavior.

He just for the millionth time wondered how his gentle first love came to like this kind of obnoxious person.


The obnoxious person in front of him asked: “Did you come alone, doctor?”

The Doctor answered with a blank face: “I brought a companion today.” 

“Oh? A boyfriend or a girlfriend?”

The doctor seemed to have lost some brain cells and just went along with it:

“A boyfriend.”


The first love arrived just in time to hear the news, and sincerely congratulated the Doctor on the success in getting a partner.

The Doctor wanted to explain the situation, but before he could say anything, he heard the shy little doctor beside him say: “Thank you!”

With that final confirmation, the love affair was then inexplicably yet firmly settled.

The little doctor was coaxed into the house and the party suddenly turned into a celebration of the two doctors’ relationship. 

The Doctor still wanted to explain this misunderstanding, but once he saw the little doctor’s blushing face full of joy, he stifled his words.

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The little doctor was too thin-skinned, so the doctor was afraid of embarrassing him in front of others.

The doctor is a very gentle man at heart.


That night, the two were persuaded to drink a lot of wine to celebrate.

The Doctor wasn’t really a very good drinker, but when he saw the little doctor squinting his eyes and choking on the wine, he still obliged and blocked a couple of drinks for him.

However, the Doctor was quickly getting drunk, and his head was so dizzy that he couldn’t see around him.

He felt that the little doctor who was holding him up seemed different from his usual self. 

Not so silly anymore but instead felt very familiar.



The next day the doctor woke up in his own apartment with a hangover that was giving him a headache so he wanted to get out of bed and drink a glass of honey water.

Just as he tried to get up, he suddenly felt something moving next to him under the covers. 

The Doctor was startled and lifted the quilt open.

A small, furry head was then exposed.

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The little doctor who was not wearing his glasses smiled and said to the doctor: “Good morning.”


The Doctor’s face turned pale.

The little doctor hurriedly explained that he had borrowed the Doctor’s bed for the night because he was too tired, and that they had simply slept and done nothing else.

The Doctor breathed a sigh of relief.

Still, he turned the white and tender little doctor over, checked his whole body, and found that there were no special marks. 

Only then did he let out the remaining half of his breath.

One must admit that the Doctor was quite strict in his work.


The little doctor shyly put on his clothes and drove home in his sports car. 

The Doctor took the day off to recuperate at home.

As soon as he arrived at his office the next morning, he saw the dean standing in front of his desk.

The Doctor felt guilty.

The Dean smiled kindly and came over to the Doctor and patted him on the shoulder. 

“Eason, I was right about you. From now on, my son will be in your care.”

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