Ch24 - The doctor’s story (last part)

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The Doctor was in a daze. 

The dean said: “He told me all about you.”

The Doctor tried to defend himself: “That’s not what happened…”



“Gee, it’s okay. His mother and I aren’t old-fashioned people; we won’t intervene between you two.”

“And I know that when this boy studied abroad he especially admired you. Now I’m very relieved that he is going to be with you.” 

The dean was very understanding and looked at the Doctor as if he were looking at his son-in-law.


The Doctor was unable to utter a single word.


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After the dean left, the doctor pondered over things for a long time.


How come the little doctor knew him when he studied abroad?

Why does he sometimes find himself wondering why the little doctor looks familiar?

Before he could come up with an explanation, the little doctor, who was humming, jolted his way to the door.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The little doctor didn’t wear his glasses again today. 

Ktf yjcur bc tlr obgftfjv kfgf mbwyfv yjmx, tf ibbxfv reccs jcv tjcvrbwf.

Nfgs vloofgfca ogbw tlr ereji rfio.


Ktf Gbmabg mjgglfv atf ilaaif vbmabg lcab atf rajlgkfii jcv qlccfv tlw jujlcra atf kjii, tlr fsfr olzfv bc tlr ojmf. 

Ktf ilaaif vbmabg ifjcfv jujlcra atf kjii jcv yilcxfv, atfc tf fzqfmajcais jrxfv: “Qtja’r kgbcu? “

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The doctor asked: “What was the name you used when you were abroad?”

The little doctor answered: “My name was Ethan.”


The Doctor remembered.

The year before he returned to China, he had attended an orientation party for Chinese students.


There, he met with a very distinguished-looking boy.

His name was Ethan, which was very similar to his own name, Eason. 

Many people can’t tell the difference between the pronunciation of “th” and “s”, so they called him by the wrong name several times.

That’s how the doctor came to know of him.


He was also impressed by the boy’s drinking ability. 

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That night, the boy had drunk a variety of foreign liquor.

But even so, by the end of the night, while everyone else was down, he was still sober and awake.

At the end of the night, he was still able to help the Doctor who didn’t drink much to send everyone home.

Thinking of this, the doctor couldn’t help but sigh. 

The little doctor’s act of helplessness the night before was really a wonderful performance.


The Doctor finally realized that he had been set up.

He glared at the little doctor, who then puffed up his mouth in an aggrieved expression. 

The Doctor laughed: “Still pretending?”

The little doctor’s eyes rolled back, clearly not aggravated, and laughed along with the Doctor.

Even though he was showing his true face now, he still looked a bit silly and cute when he laughed.

The Doctor felt a little itchy in his heart. 


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The Doctor did a kabedon.


The little doctor suddenly found himself very close to the Doctor’s face.

“What did you tell to your father?” 

The little doctor answered truthfully: “I said we kissed and slept together.”

The Doctor nodded: “Sleeping I can understand, but what about kissing? You stole a kiss from me?”

The little doctor shook his head and said he didn’t dare to do it.

The Doctor said: “Then you’re accusing me falsely. What do you think I should do?” 

The little doctor thought seriously about it and said: “How about you make it real now?”

The Doctor smiled and agreed.

Then he leaned over and kissed the little doctor’s lips.

End of the side story 

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