At the end of their shift, Shou-wife followed Broken-Leg Gong downstairs; there stood a tall, slender man at the door. 

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He was dressed very fashionably and had a particularly large earring on his right ear. His features were 70% similar to Shou-wife’s.

Broken-Leg Gong had a smile on his face as soon as he saw him, an especially gentle one.



He left behind Shou-wife and speed up his steps to walked over to him: “Xiao Bai, how come you came over?”

Bai Yueguang looked up in a lazy smile, “Hitch a ride to dinner.” 

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“All right!”


Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu teuufv Djl Tefuejcu’r rtbeivfg jcv ifoa wjxlcu Vtbe-klof offilcu nfgs fcnlber lc tlr tfjga.


Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu kjr frqfmljiis mjglcu abkjgvr Vtbe-klof ja kbgx qeiilcu tlw lcab tlr bkc qgbpfmar jcv qfgrbcjiis afjmtlcu tlw atf xcbk-Lbkr bo atf pby.

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Dflcu abufatfg fnfgs vjs wjvf Vtbe-klof offi jr lo tf kjr lc j vgfjw.

No, he never dared to dream of such a day.

Sometimes when Shou-wife lifts his head, he will find a Broken-Leg Gong looking at him, and his heart would start pounding again.


He quietly covered the pink bubbles coming out of his heart and told himself not to think too much about it. 

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The project Broken-Leg Gong was working on ended successfully so the project team had a party after work that day, Shou-wife went along.

Since Broken-Leg Gong was the person in charge of this project, it was not surprising that everyone took turns to pour him a drink.

Broken-Leg Gong was in a good mood, and did not decline anyone’s drink. 

Shou-wife saw someone pour him another glass of white wine and could not bear watching him drink anymore alcohol so he stood in front of him and tried to block the wine for him.

By then, Broken-Leg Gong was slightly drunk, yet he grabbed Shou-wife stopping him from taking the drink and whispered in his ear: “I’m fine.”

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Shou-wife felt like his body instantly turned soft and the ear that have been touched by Broken-Leg Gong was so hot that it was about to let out smoke. 

After the party, he stopped a cab and sent the drunken and delirious Broken-Leg Gong home.

Shou-wife wanted to send him to his door and leave, but as soon as he opened the door, he was pressed against it.


Shou-wife was shocked and wanted to ask what was going on, but before he could open his mouth, his lips were brutally blocked.

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