Shou-wife was foolishly stuck to the door like a piece of wood, not willing to move a muscle, allowing Broken-Leg Gong’s tongue to pry open his lips and invade his whole mouth. 

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He closed his eyes, the strong smell of alcohol made him dizzy, he felt like every piece of skin on his body was burning, like his whole being was about to suffocate.

Shou-wife instinctively stretched out his hands, trying to hold on to Broken-Leg Gong’s arms, when suddenly he heard he heard him shout out a name.



“Xiao Bai.”

Shou-wife was immediately awakened; he fiercely pushed off the person on top of him and ran. 

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vtbe-klof kjr ecjyif ab riffq atgbeutbea atf cluta, tlr wlcv gfqfjafvis gfqijsfv atf lwjuf bo yflcu xlrrfv ys Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu, jcv atf ufcaif abemt rffwfv ab gfwjlc mifjgis bc atf ilqr.

Ktfgf kjr jirb atf ktlrqfg bo j cjwf atja kjrc’a tlr atja jirb tjecafv tlr wlcv.

Ktf cfza vjs Vtbe-klof kjr nfgs jqqgftfcrlnf bc atf kjs ab kbgx, cba xcbklcu tbk ab ojmf Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu.


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However, Broken-Leg Gong did not show up all morning and did not come until almost noon.

Shou-wife heard the sound of Broken-Leg Gong’s seat, but for the first time did not stand up to greet him.

He stayed put in his seat and stared at his computer screen pretending to work seriously, but in reality nothing was open, the only thing on the screen was the computer desktop.



Everyone went out for lunch, and Shou- wife tried to sneak out by mingling with the crowd, only to have his wrist grabbed.

“I have something to say to you.” Broken-Leg Gong said.

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Shou-wife’s heart sank as he was dragged downstairs.

Usually Broken-Leg Gong does not smoke much but today he leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette, Shou-wife felt that he looked particularly haggard, very different from his regular sunny and talkative self. 

Broken-Leg Gong let out a smoke and said, “Sorry, I drank too much last night.”


Shou-wife bit his lips and asked, “You remember everything, huh?”


“Do you …… like Senior Bai Yueguang?”

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“Yes, I do”. Broken Legs Gong said without trying to hide, “I’ve liked him since the first time I saw him in freshman year.”


Shou-wife suffered from the smell of his smoke and coughed twice, squeezing out a couple of tears.

I have also liked you from the first moment I saw you, he thought to himself. 

“I understand, don’t worry senior, I’ll pretend nothing happened.”


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